All of our things come in boxes! (Film ID)

There was a movie – I think it was made in the '70s – where a guy goes to an isolated town for some reason. (I believe it was in England, but I’m not sure.) The guy wonders, since the village has no contact with the outside world, how the people got food and clothing. A girl he’s met says, ‘It comes in boxes! All of our things come in boxes!’ Of course, the ‘boxes’ are coffins.

Does anyone know what film this was?

food”? Ick!

Sounds like the kind of movie I’d have to see, once anyway.

Any idea on any particular actor being in it?

No, I don’t remember who was in it.

Gads, this drives me crazy every time I think about it! I thought it may have been Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things, but I’m almost completely certain that’s not it. I must have seen it around the same time, rented on video tape.

Maybe it was a Hammer film?

It’s “the Monster Club” (1980):

This movie opens with the premise that a horror story writer is invited to a club for genuine monsters. The club is a “swinging 70s” disco filled with werewolves, vampires, mummies, etc. The writer’s host (Vincent Price) relates three “real life” horror stories to the writer, of which “All Our Food Comes In Boxes” is the third. The movie ends with Price asking the monster club members to induct the writer as a member. “But he’s just a normal human!” one creature protests. Then, Price orates a speech that ennumerates some of the most noteworthy ghastly deeds of the human race. The writer is then instantly inducted as a representative of the most horrific monster species of them all: mankind.

All in all, a goofy, campy flick. But the “boxes” segment did give me the creeps as a little kid. (Haven’t seen it in 20 years though, don’t know how it stands up now.)

Wow. The title doesn’t ring a bell at all. And 1980? Seemed older; but the, I only saw it once back in the '80s.