"All right, I'm going to say it...I actually LIKED..."

I’ll start.

You know what, SDMB? I LIKED Stephen King’s The Tommyknockers! Yeah! That’s right. I said it. I didn’t stutter.

I also LOVE the Left Behind books, dammit.

Wheew. Glad to get those off my chest.

Your turn.
What’s something you actually liked/loved despite you seeing (or hearing) about how many always hate it?

I think I’m going to win this thread.

Moment by Moment

I liked the two Pirates of the Caribbean sequels. They were great fun! I did find them a little confusing at first, but after multiple watches they get easier to follow.

Some of the “Earnest” movies were pretty amusing.

Ice Ice Baby. I once took 2nd place in a karaoke contest with that song. Oh, and I like karaoke. Rick Springfield was the first concert I ever attended, and I’ll still crank the hell outta him if I hear him on an 80’s channel.

I’ve watched the new “karate Kid” movie, the one with Jackie Chan and Will Smith’s kid, and, oh dear Lord forgive me, I think it’s good. It’s… fine, I’ll say it… wait… wait… it’s… it’s better than the original!

There. You can ban me from the SMDB. I’ll understand.

I really like the music, and I don’t hate the rap, but the music is Queen and Bowie, so whats not to like?

i liked watching “the comish.”

Like GuanoLad, I liked the last two Pirates of the Caribbean films. They weren’t as good as the first, but something not being as good as something else doesn’t automatically make it shit.

On a similar vein, I like Crystal Skull at least as much as Temple of Doom. I can see what Lucas was trying to do, and although there are parts that are stupid, it’s pulpy fun like the rest of the series.

Oh, I’ve got you guys beat easily. I rather liked the 1998 Lost in Space movie. And, no, I didn’t see it as a kid.

I also didn’t hate the Matrix sequels, but that’s piddly compared to the above.

Er, um… I kinda like Shania Twain’s music… I’m so embarrassed…

Basically if I see a movie on a date, I’m gonna like it. I therefore really liked Mars Attacks! and Wild Wild West.

I like romance novels. Not all of them, because ALOT of them suck donkey balls.

You may throw cans of spam at me.

I like M. Night Shyamalan movies.

Devil is probably my favorite.

I read Battlefield Earth cover to cover and found it to be a thoroughly enjoyable yarn.

“Spock’s Brain” is one of my favorite episodes of TOS.

This isn’t an altogether odd one as much as an “I am well outside the core demographic” sort of thing, but I own all of Taylor Swift’s albums and have tickets to see her live later this year.

I want to confess now. I am a male heterosexual, but I prefer romantic films with happy endings to thrillers or horror films…

Unlike most Western kids today, I’ve seen a lot of spilt blood in real life, and washed some of it off my hands. It does not give me a thrill to watch surrogate heroes and villains spilling blood.

I’ve just re-read that, and it came out weird due to deleting a whole paragraph which explained what i meant. Too late to edit now.

I want to confess now. I prefer romantic films with happy endings to thrillers or horror films.

Unlike most Western kids today, I’ve seen a lot of spilt blood in real life, and washed some of it off my hands. It does not give me a thrill to watch surrogate heroes and villains spilling blood.

I liked those, too. I actually do not entirely get the hate.
I like:

LOST’s finale

Battlestar Galactica’s finale

Reign of Fire - Hey, they promised dragons and the movie had 'em.

Daredevil - Yep, I think this movie is great, actually.

Me too! If M. Night Shyamalan makes a movie I will be there to see it and I have yet to be disappointed. Well, okay, The Happening wasn’t fabulous, but it had enough freaky crap going on and a couple of truly funny moments that I walked away thinking it was his weakest film but still not bad at all.

Everybody Loves Raymond.
I win.