Who was the biggest Hippie of all time?
Abbie Hoffman?
Timothy Leary?
John Lennon?
Who was the biggest Hippie of all time?
Abbie Hoffman?
Timothy Leary?
John Lennon?
Doug Henning. Without a doubt.
Why, TN*Hippie of course!
Btw, where IS he?
Oh where, oh where has my Hippie gone? Oh, where, oh where can he be?
With his tail uncut and his locks unshorn, oh where, oh where has my hippie gone?
Jerry Garcia.
Pappa Bear.
Wavy Gravy “What we’ve got in mind is breakfast in bed for 500,000”
Freewheelin’ Franklin Freak was my favorite.
Ahem!! Abbie Hoffman was a Yippie, I believe!
And John Lennon wasn’t a hippie. Well, ok around the Bed-in-for-peace thing he was doing a pretty good impersonation.
Another vote for Neil.
Gravedigger: Do you dig graves?
Hippie: Yeah man… graves are, like, far out.
Ralph Brown in Withnail & I.
Wavy Gravy, without a doubt, among the Famous Hippies, was the only real hippie. He lived it, and he only talked about it when he needed to wake up the world.
Of course there were thousands of folks who did live the dream, and never got on TV. Some still are. Being a hippie is not a public image thing, it’s a day at a time sort of thing.
By the way, we really do need to get out the old anti war machine, and dust it off, and see if we can stop this whole make the world safe for one bunch of people by killing another bunch of people. The only folks who will be safe are the ones who make the killing machines.
Another vote for Wavy Gravy. I had the opportunity to meet the fabulous clown back in '84 during one of the Nobody for President tours. He provided me a ticket to the Long State, Delaware.
It was a privilege to have met him.
Ricky Nelson became one hell of a hippie if you ask me, seriously.
Would Janis Jopin count as a hippie?
friend tris,
“…and it’s one, two three what are we fighting for? don’t ask me i don’t give a damn, the next stop is vietnam …and it’s five, six, seven open up the pearly gates, there ain’t no time to wonder why, cause we’re all going to die”
Thanks to Dijon Warlock for the link. Mr. Gravy is even more phenomenal than I realized. If you follow the link, make sure you check out his biography
Now them’s credentials. And all of that BEFORE he helped found the Hog Farm and helped out at Woodstock. Lots of cool stuff since as well (including being honored with a Ben & Jerry ice cream flavor in his name).
Here’s a guy, as Triskadecamus pointed out, who also LIVED the life. I have to agree with The Village Voice when they called him “one of the better people on earth.”
Back in the day, I knew a lot of hippies, who were all more hippie than the famous ones, simply because the famous ones were famous. I don’t think you can be famous and a hippie, or rich. I’ve met Wavy on many occasions, and this is certainly prototypical. I haven’t heard much in the past five years, but I presume he is still being in his space. Not a bad consensus choice.
My favorite is Arlo Guthrie.
Wavy Gravy, by a landslide.
Walt Whitman would have been a terrific hippie.