All Tricks, No Treats (October Mini-Rants)

Shower stall and walk-in shower are interchangeable. Here is a Home Depot page:

They call it a walk-in shower, but on the right side is a link to “shower stalls and kits”, and if you click it, it’s the same thing. The key though is that @panache45 needs a shower to walk into without having to lift a leg over the side.

Walk-in bathtubs are certainly expensive. My wife’s parents looked at getting one at one point and forget it. CRAZY cost for that thing.

Thank you. This is just really scary. The thing I’m struggling with the most is telling how hard he is working to breathe. He can’t just tell me and I’m scared to death I’ll miss it and it’ll be too late.

Luckily, I was able to sleep a bit last night and I even got a shower. I hope today goes a bit better.

Glad to hear this and hoping today goes easier for both of you. Take naps when the baby does~housework can slide for a bit. Have pizza delivered or ask a friend to to drop off a casserole.

And keep letting us know how it is going~Dopers care!

slalexan, best of luck to you! I understand your pain - my son had RSV when he was 8 months old and it was one of the most terrifying experiences I’ve ever had watching him try to breathe. I hope today is easier and tomorrow easier still.

Today’s mini-rant is brought on by my own recreational outrage over a podcast. I decided to mix it up today since I’m experiencing some burnout at work, so I thought that instead of my usual murder-y/true crime podcasts, I’d listen to an NPR podcast on “Future-proofing” your work in the event of burnout. The advice the podcast was peddling to plan against future burnout was to “cultivate multiple streams of income” by having more than one job. What. The. Hell. I can only assume that they were “future proofing” against loss of income instead of actual burnout, because at this stage in the game, yet another job might make me hop right out a window.

The roofers came today. They put the new roof on the front half of the house. They left at 1:30. I thought they were taking lunch. I sat outside and guarded the dumpster to keep the neighborhood cats I take care of out of it, what with nails and pointy stuff in it. Around 4:00 I called the boss and asked if they were coming back. He said that no, they had gone to another job and they would be back tomorrow. And, “Didn’t I tell you that?”. No, you didn’t tell me that. Just like he didn’t tell me Tuesday when we talked that “soon” meant Wednesday, when he woke me up at 7:30 a.m. to tell me that the shingles were here. “Didn’t I tell you that?”. Or at 10:30 this morning when he called me and said he was waiting for me to bring the check outside to him for half payment. “Didn’t I tell you that?”.

I’m really tired of hearing that from him. And when I tell him he didn’t, he gets an attitude about it. He wasn’t an asshole when he was selling me the roof and he has good reviews but I’m regretting my decision. I tried to at least close the dumpster door but a big bush is in the way and I can’t do it. I just hope the cats don’t get in there and hurt themselves. And I have to get up at 6:45 in the morning again. Grrr.

Just found out my Facebook is closed for suspected hacking. Naturally I’d been using an e mail I don’t use anymore And didn’t change to my new phone number.:frowning:

I’m hearing that they have closed over a million accounts, so feel bad, but don’t feel alone.

Thanks for the well wishes. We had a rough day yesterday. He was vomiting from all the coughing and got a bit dehydrated again. But we got him hydrated and today he’s been pretty good, apart from the wheezing. Only two episodes of vomiting today. I’m still exhausted but a lot less anxious.

I just had to yell at my beloved kitty, Vienna, for the first time in her entire 15-year life.

I was getting ready to clean and dress my leg wounds, which require several different medical products, which I had laid out on the bed beside me. All of a sudden, there’s a cat flying in a trajectory from floor to bed, right onto my previously-sterile supplies. I yelled. She then followed the same trajectory, back onto the floor, and exited into the hallway, where she meowed for a good ten minutes, then came back in and stayed on the floor, purring.

She’s such a good, sweet cat, and I feel so guilty for yelling at her. I mean, all she was doing was jumping up onto “her” bed.

Right now, she’s curled up on the floor by my feet, fast asleep.

Poor kitty and poor you. Yes, she was just innocently doing something she does all the time, jumping up to be next to you and then you yelled at her. No wonder she got confused and cried.

Poor you, I totally understand why you yelled. You are concentrating on something important to your health and she startled you by jumping up and ruining everything.

The only thing I can suggest is kissing up to her for a while and remembering to close the door when changing your dressings. I’m pretty sure she will be just fine, you will probably remember much longer than her.

Glad to hear. Hoping tonight and tomorrow go even better.

I remember RSV anxiety all too well and it was 30+ years ago.

Do people not use desks anymore? After my new desk arrived, I thought it wouldn’t be a big deal to donate the old one. Since it’s on the large side, I would need a pickup service; there are several in the area, but based on their website criteria, none of them want desks. Some simply don’t list desks among their pickup items, and others don’t want anything that isn’t solid wood (this one appears to be early '90s particle board). I’m wary of offering it up online, or even at work (I don’t want some of these people near my home). I don’t have anywhere else to store the desk, so it looks like I’ll end up breaking it down and putting it at the curb. :slightly_frowning_face:

I’m guessing HOA would have a fit if I put it at the curb with a big FREE sign on it…that was how we always got rid of unwanted furniture when I was growing up.

Oh, I’d Love to tell you what to do with your HOA, but I’m busy watching a MARVEL film.

Try Habitat for Humanity’s Restore in your area: I know they take desks because I’ve seen them there.

Thirty-year-old particleboard is a tough one - not a whole lotta demand for it.

I’d post it on Craigslist or your local Facebook groups. Could even do “free porch pickup” e.g. you take down the ad once the item is taken, and don’t directly interact with the person taking it.

We get a lot of people posting “free curb stuff” on

Like “Free desk, on the curb at 1620 N. Columbus. Come check it out before it gets hauled away on Thursday.”

My Facebook account was also closed, and it took hours to get my email provider to let me into that account so I could get a code.

I needed to get rid of an old, metal, teacher’s desk. It weighed a ton. With my son’s help I put it on top of my dumpster at work. Thirty minutes later it was gone, taken by a scrap metal collector, I assume.

A used furniture store might accept a desk donation or even pay a bit for it.

I was amazed years ago at getting a decent price for a particleboard dresser at a garage sale (I assume the OP’s HOA would have a major shit-fit if someone tried to hold a garage sale). Drives down the tone of the neighborhood, doncha know - someone might show up in a pickup truck!

XD They’ve actually calmed down a bit since the clique-y party people moved out of the neighborhood (long story short, some experimental pot turned a typical summer barbecue into a spouse-swapping event), but I still try to stay under their radar.

That was my first thought, but their website gives contradictory information – the main donation page says they’ll take particle board furniture if it’s structurally sound, but the form says NO PARTICLE BOARD. I’m going to contact them directly for confirmation; heck, maybe they’ll take it if I drive it to them instead of relying on pickup. I think I can get someone to help me put it in my Jeep.

The town’s bulk pickup day is on a Tuesday; as a last resort, I think I could put it outside Friday evening and put up notices (both on the desk and online).

Mine actually allows a ‘community yard sale day’…and of course, I just missed it. It’s implied that such sales are meant for smaller items though.