All Tricks, No Treats (October Mini-Rants)

Kudos for the reference to the Tex Avery cartoon “Lonesome Lenny”.

Can someone explain to me why balloon releases are still a thing, even though we’ve known for decades now that they’re an environmental nightmare?? There was one held locally for some teens who stole a car and died in the ensuing joyride/chase, and all I could think about was the potential mess (and likely electrical problems, because they looked like they were Mylar).

Especially after the Great Balloon Fiasco of 1986.

Dammit. Stuff works great for me. I need to call my Doc.

I checked my medication - I take it too but it’s a different manufacturer on the label. I don’t see a recall from Accord Healthcare.

Oh, same: BP drops like a stone and right to healthy levels.

Update: Dr. says it was a 'supply chain production issue only… and only for “combo pills” (evidently they make these so its all in one pill instead of two pills?). He said its fine, he’s glad I came in, but I’m at no risk and that I should keep taking them.

So… that’s good news, right?

My sister was walking our three dachshunds years ago when we had three. Walking down the alley near our place she tripped over a buckling in the asphalt and fell hard. She lost her grip on the leashes and expected they’d run off in all directions (a la Sir Ronald), but she lifted her head, and all three were standing around her head staring at her.

I was having a hard time puzzling that out from the FDA page. It was unclear. but sort of looked like it may be some ‘combo’ pill which I have never heard of.

I have a call into my Doc. I think I’m OK.

I had an an eye appointment this morning, and the tech had a MOLON LABE tattoo on his arm. I’m not sure how I feel about being treated by a guy with a terrorist motto on his arm.

Oh, don’t worry, he just works in the experimental testing area in back where they adjust glasses onto a cantaloupe for practice. He’s not a terrorist, he’s just a terrible speller.

I think I may need to clear my cookie cache.

In “Peacock” under ‘Horror for You’ they list “The Wedding Singer”, “Reality Bites”, “Runaway Bride”, and “How Stella Got Her Groove Back”.

Damn You, Peacock Satan!

Damn You To Hell…!

Those sound like horror to me, maybe somehow it’s getting someone else’s profile?

It’s possible. But also possible that he used to work in the quality assurance lab at the Molson brewery – where quality assurance was mostly done by tasting. By late afternoon no one at the Molson labs could spell for shit.

Oh… That’s Horror alright. I like classic Monster Horror. Not… 'Holy Shit, Look What You’re Married To… Relationships SUCK! ’ Horror…

I pit RSV. Spent last night in the hospital with the baby. He’s doing ok but like he’s still working hard to breathe and they are sending us home and I feel like I am completely under qualified to know if that’s a good idea. But the doc says it is and I’m supposed to trust them right?

I felt the same way and I was a NICU nurse before I became a mother.

RSV is very scary to watch in your beloved baby. Follow the doctor’s instructions, finish all the medicine, etc.

If you can, is there another adult who can stay with you and the baby and share caregiving? Take good care of yourself so you can take good care of the baby~rest, good nutrition, hydration, little breaks.

I’ll be thinking of you both.

Finally got to the Wound Clinic for the laceration on my leg and my knee injuries. Got an entirely new regimen to treat the wounds. But the worst part was when the doctor abraded the wounds to remove the dead skin (no anesthetic). I have to go back next week.

It’s been almost two weeks since I’ve had a shower. Can’t get my right leg over the edge of the tub. We’re looking into getting a walk-in shower installed.

“Walk-in shower”? You mean a walk-in tub? Some of those are pretty damned expensive!

This is a walk-in shower:

I assume that at the moment showers are done in a bathtub with a shower attachment, which is difficult to get into and out of with an injured leg. (I can attest to that personally.)

Ah, I see. Around here that would be called a shower stall, and installing that would be pretty damned expensive, too. I thought you meant a walk-in bathtub with a shower, sort of like this: