All you Zimmerman-lovers in the Great Debates thread are...

Considering how serious that sort of accusation is, could you provide evidence for it?

I seldom find myself on the same side of an argument as Bricker, and I (like many others) get annoyed at his whole “It’s legal so must be right” stance, but I have never seen him act in a bigoted manner.

I think you’re mostly correct, but given that all 5 of Zimmermans calls to 911 about suspicious people happened to be black, makes me think that there was some at least latent racism on his part.

Or maybe all five of those people were suspicious and also happened to be black.

Just a coincidence, I am sure…

All of the 911 calls I’ve made in the last three years have involved black people. Does that automatically make me a racist or do I get some slack for the demographic makeup of my neighborhood?

Depends on the call. Small black child gets hit by a car? No. Black teenagers walking in your neighborhood = suspicious? Yes

It’s true, I’ve never called 911 because someone was walking down my street. I have made myself conspicuously visible when I see someone walking down the street and taking their time to look through the windows of parked cars.

Bricker, the bigoted hispanic? (IIRC) Quick, someone find me a word for hispanic that starts with the letter b. Then it can be both an alliteration as well as a mind-numbingly stupid allegation.

That one I chalked up to your weird obsession with due process.

Spotting the bigots isn’t all that difficult. Look for those who try to portray an ordinary 17 year-old as a stone cold thug.

Bricker is obviously a bigot. He’s just an intelligent, educated one.

Intelligent, educated bigots do exist. The Grand Wizard of the KKK in North Carolina back in the late 80s was a high-level executive with a large grocery-store chain, IIRC.

The fact of the matter is, conservatives in this country are racist, more often than not. This holds especially true for older, more educated, thoughtful, and intelligent conservatives, like Bricker. Why do I say this? Because a thoughtful older American with plenty of education, decades to think their positions through, and the benefit of wisdom-from-experience who still chooses conservatism has got to have a pretty deep-seated reason why they won’t choose compassion. Often, that reason is simply racism. It’s understandable, certainly, but regrettable, I’d say.

That’s not to say I think Bricker’s racism is clearly thought-through. Racism rarely, if ever, is. However, there are only so many hours in the day, and years in one’s life, and some people choose to focus their energies in other areas besides examining the facts about racism, and/or their own attitudes about race.

Another reason that older Americans tend to be racists is because they were raised in a much more racist time and environment, generally, than younger Americans. I’m just speaking generally there, it doesn’t apply to everyone’s situation.

And you’re the calmest, most reasonable human being on the planet. Your example inspires us all.:wink:

I understand that this is your opinion, you’ve made that quite clear. However you don’t give one single piece of evidence-from any thread in which Bricker has contributed-to lend support to that opinion. The way it stands, you’re just some jack-ass spouting off drivel. You’re not going to sway too many people without any evidence.

I’m no Zimmerman-lover. But I don’t see how this thread is contributing anything to the debate over what happened. Arguing that every Zimmerman supporter must be a racist bitch is as irrational as the most extreme statements that have been offered in Zimmerman’s defense.


Banana picker. (kinda rhymes)


Blacks and Hispanics aren’t exactly known for their cross-community respect, admiration, and love. Are you too sheltered to know that?

Convincing went out the window, I’m telling people to fuck off with this thread, no more.

Please fuck off. :slight_smile:

Not every Zimmerman supporter is a racist. Most are, though…I’d bet 75% or thereabouts, if forced to pull a number DIRECTLY from my rear end.

That residual credibility sticking to you was just too odious to hang on to, huh?

I realize I’m only recently returned after a long hiatus, but I kind of thought the idea was that you’re supposed to be foaming at the mouth before you open a thread in the Pit, not in reaction to how people react to your Pit thread.
