AllMusicZine Canned

I dunno if any of you read this online. It’s a good attempt at an internet alternative music rag. My SO, when sending in his week-long work of an interview this morning, was informed by his disappointed, and now jobless editor, that the Powers That Be have called it quits. (Why couldn’t it have happened AFTER he busted his butt to meet the deadline?) This seems to be very short-sighted, they’ve not had it going very long, but the bottom line rules. Anyhoo, if you’ve enjoyed this site, let em know.

To add: the now jobless editor managed to assemble the best music writers around in an internet endeavor, which took months of work. Everyone was psyched to do something new and beautiful, And then, Wham. Gone. without even a true trial run. AAAARRRRGGGHHH! Bastards! They don’t have a clue !

I feel the pain of your SO, elelle… Creem Magazine died owing me about $1600 for work that was published. The publishers, who still continued to put out porno mangazines, dined lavishly while I was eating macaroni & cheese and living in a roach-infested Brooklyn apartment with four roomates.

Writing is a shitty business. FWIW, I know many of the other writers there… Marsh, even Weiderhorn, who accompanied me to Woodstoick '94 and a Lollapalooza festival before he becamse “famous” while I suffered in the “metal magazine” ghetto.

Clips available upon request… :slight_smile:

Yer pal,