Allowing guests to use the Search Function

In this thread milroyj is exhibiting the egregious ignorance this board is set up to fight by stating as fact that there are no Christian terrorist groups.

I remember a thread that appeared in the Pit about a year ago wherein copious links were provided to the homepages of several Christian terrorist groups. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the names of these groups and consequently can’t google the info.

I do remember the thread title, however. It was “The Religion of Peace Strikes Again” and was started by a poster named Testy. If I had access to the search function I would be able to access that thread and correct milroyj by confronting him with the links. Milroyj, confronted with proof that Christian terrorist groups do exist, would then be forced to eat a gigantic plate of crow followed by a hearty slice of humble pie and, lets face it, that’s always fun to watch.

As it is, I am unable to combat milroyj’s ignorance and the only alternative is to ask a Charter member to do the search for me and trawl through the multipage thread to find the cites.

We proles, especially long time lurkers like myself, can fight ignorance just as well as the rest of you hoity-toity high falutin’ Charter members (:p) and the search function would be a huge help.

Also, I started a GD thread a while back about the Problem of Evil, discussing it from what I believed to be an original angle. Turns out that the exact same topic had been discussed in numerous threads, rendering mine somewhat redundant. If I had been able to do a search before starting the thread, I wouldn’t have started a thread going over new ground and knocking more relevant topics off the front page in the process.

So, may we humble guests please have the search function. Pretty please? :slight_smile:

P.S. - I can’t join up because I don’t have a credit card. My RL friends, all of whom are, like me, too young to own one can’t help me out either. My parents already think I spend far too much time on the net and wouldn’t help out if I begged them :slight_smile:

Here ya go:

Thanks a lot Qagdop. Much appreciated.

P.S. - Some kind person has taken it upon themselves to register me as a charter member. Unfortunately, since I’ve no idea who you are, I can’t reimburse you. If you’re reading this, please get in touch at a.s.a.p. and thank you very much for taking the time and trouble to help me out.