Specifically, two little fuck-putzes are registering to the board, usually stealing some other poster’s name in the process, and then proceeding to run around the board, dragging up old threads, posting empty messages or just the same pointless message over and over again, and then when those two shitcunts are banned, they go back and re-register and start over again.
And quite frankly, I’m sick to death of those little asswipes entertaining themselves by farting in the middle of other people’s conversations. They’re social misfits with no sense of empathy, who can’t understand that other people actually want to talk to each other; so instead they jump around and scream and shout and try their best to get attention, even if they have to shit all over every forum and thread in order to do it.
Alpha to Omega was, according to the mods, one of the false names used by these little dickweeds. Feel free to jump in here with a martyr act about how horrible the mods are in banning someone, and how no one ever really gets banned for something they did, but rather for guilt by association, and talk about how life and these ‘troll hunters’ are just sooooo unfair.
I’m sure you’ll get lots of support and sympathy from me, you little felchmongers. May someday you truly understand exactly how little your mother loved you.
I do not have the power to get anyone banned ! Do you actually think the moderators and admins here care one way or another what I think of the other posters here ?
Stop and think how stupid what you just posted sounds.
Ayesha, Nodule B is amongst the dumbest trolls that have appeared on these boards. He started two new threads that were the same threads the alpha to omega had started. Makes you go hmmmm.