I wasn’t sure if these should be in GD or CS or where, so move if need be…
But how could these Alternate History scenarios develop?
To the fears of the Sanhedrin Establishment and the chagrin of the Zealots, Procurator Pontius Pilate strikes a deal with a Davidic pretender from Galilee. Herod Antipas will remain figurehead tetrarch in Galilee, while Jesus Nazarenus is the Ombudsman to manage both public relations & popular services, the Disciples being his staff both in Galilee & Judea.
William Jennings Bryan’s combination of Christian fundamentalism & Progressive politics so appeal to the masses that he gets elected President. He supports all the political positions he did before along with a Constitutional amendment declaring the US to be secular in Gov’t but Christian in heritage & culture. His main challenge- commitment to or compromise of his pacifism in dealing with enemies foreign & domestic. Also, supporting a Zionist Jewish homeland IF it allows unrestricted Christian evangelism.
(Did Bryan have Zionist sympathies? Was he PreMill AMil or PostMil?)