I work with one. I’m just passing this mundane and useless information on because i know that some Fem-Dopers have a crush on this guy.
That is all.
See, it’s not Alton’s looks per se that do it for the gals here who have crushes. It’s the quirky sense of humor and great cooking knowledge. Can this lookalike do that?
Seconded. The Alton thing isn’t about his looks. It’s about his personality, and the way he sometimes makes direct eye contact with the camera.
He’s smart, he’s funny, and he can cook. The looks…not gorgeous, not hideous. It’s what’s underneath that gets me collapsing in a puddle of goo.
Thirded. Sure, he’s cute, in that cute-geeky way, but he’s funny and sweet and smart and he can cook!
smart, plays to his strengths and cooks. Did I mention the gadgets? Every few months he has a new little doo-dad. His wife is a very fortunate woman.
I’ve heard that this Alton look alike has some sense of a humor, although I don’t personally know.
He’s got gadgets, though.
I’ll keep you gooey females informed.
waitaminit…that didn’t come out right…
Perspective is everything my friend. It sounded exquisitely correct.
I understand it’s a protein matrix with several types of connective tissue and a bit of fat marbled through the meat - but don’t worry, if we cook it right, that extra fat will come right out without leaving the meat too dry.
Gotta love a man with gadgets. Especially if he knows how to play with them.
Well, he *does *say no unitaskers!
Except for one. And true AB fans know what the one unitasker is.
The fire extinguisher. And if you had to click on the spoiler box, you are not a true AB fan!