Am I divorced now?

My wife and I are divorcing. She filed the paperwork. I signed what was asked.

In January, I received a ‘Notice of Entry of Judgement’ form the LA Superior Court. (Los Angeles)

This is from a box on the document.

"Statement in the box applies only to Judgement of Disolution
Effective date of termination of marital or domestic partnership status (specify) 03/31/2009
WARNING: Neither party may remarry or enter into a new domestic partnership until the effective date of the termination of marital or domestic partnership status, as shown in the box. "

Is that it? Do I have to wait for another docuemtn from the court or is this all there is?

I’d have to check my own, but that should be it. You’ve been notified that the judgment has been entered, and the time has passed to make it final.

You have been divorced for two days.

Congratulations. I think.

Most judgments aren’t immediately final. You get a specified length of time to appeal or object. Assuming you wife hasn’t objected or appealed - you’d have to check the docket of the specific CA court - you’re divorced.

Now you can change your Location field.

I hope this doesn’t sound too snarky or whatever. Not having gotten divorced myself, there are many things about the process that I’m not familiar with.

That said, I do understand that many people ask legal questions here because they don’t have a lawyer, or don’t want to pay a lawyer. But if you got divorced, don’t you already have someone to ask these questions to? Is there a do-it-yourself method that’s so cheap that we are your only source of advice?

We, or rather she, went to ‘We the People’. This is a place that prepares the forms for you and tells you what to do. But they are not attorneys.

This is an option for divorces that are not contested.

Thanks. I’ve heard comercials for similar outfits, and their disclaimers that they don’t give legal advice. Didn’t realize they took it to such an extreme, but I guess they have to.

Not quite right. Most judgments are final once they are entered. Civil money judgments are often subject to a brief “automatic stay,” during which the plaintiff cannot execute the judgment. But judgments are usually final upon entry unless they leave part of the case undecided. Rule 54. Judgment; Costs | Federal Rules of Civil Procedure | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute They are appealable for a time, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t final.

Regarding divorce judgments in California, the court system’s website says:

Site Has Moved

My husband’s divorce was one-sided. She never hired a lawyer and never showed up in court. Done and done. They sent her papers telling her they were no longer married.

I just filed on the 3rd of March. Hopefully mine works out the same.

I just received the signed, dated, and filed Judgment and Notice of Entry of Judgment. Am I done??? … or … is this part still required “have the Judgment served on your spouse or domestic partner” ? as stated in “Site Has Moved”. The Notice of Entry of Judgment includes a court clerk mailing to both of us.

In this case, you are the “spouse or domestic partner” who needed to be served because your ex got the judgment entered. So it looks to me like you are done.

Now, how about a beer?

Great idea. Think I’ll have 2 :):smiley: