Am I having an affair?

I think it’s more like one of those “Dear Internet, I am having SEX!!!1!!eleven” posts

I was hoping it would be something juicy that we could really sink our teeth into (no double entendres intended - funny how when you start writing about sexy things, the innuendo just seems to start flowing). Something like, “I like the woman at work, but we never do anything, but we have started having lunch regularly, etc.”

Does she look like Raquel Welch? :smiley:

What Raquel Welch? I’m wondering if she looks like Mary Kay Place.

No. Something that occurs only in your fertile imagination (ha! pun!) is not an affair.

You’re screwing someone and you’re married to someone else? Yep, you’re having an affair.

Coffee, meet monitor. No romantic intentions needed.

Money shot!

Since the OP has not been back to respond to anything in this thread, I’m going to lock it.

If he can persuade me that he posted in good faith and is actually in the situation he describes, I will consider reopening it.

twickster, MPSIMS moderator