Am I missing something here? (re: reopening of bars, etc... now)

You mean Newsweek? You’re aware that it’s a tabloid now, right?

That’s what conservatives tell me.

Hey nice thread bump after 8 months. So what do you have to say about it other than posting a barely described link?

Interesting enough, we’ve covered the three idiots behind the Great Barrington Declaration (two of which you claim are experts at something) over and over again, in this very thread that you bumped and others in this forum. Hell, Gupta can’t even do basic math as she claims that CoVID has a 0.01% IFR:

While I’ve already debunked the shit out of Gupta in past threads, I’ll just note that to arrive at a 0.01% infection fatality rate, the current almost 5 million dead (and let’s be fair, this is likely a drastic undercount) would require a global population of 50 billion people, 100% of who have been infected. Nice math, lady!

What? That “the liberal press” is buying into their bullshit or that Newsweek has been a tabloid for the past decade? If the former, maybe you can provide some examples from “the liberal press”?

The latter, which is what you wrote: Newsweek is a tabloid, as you pointed out.

Newsweek is part of the so-called liberal press, together with the Times and various media outlets. Most of them are owned by a few major corporations.

Newsweek publishes an article from two experts arguing that Fauci is wrong on several counts. You reply by stating that Newsweek should not be believed because it’s a “tabloid,” which is what conservatives also argue, except that it is now publishing articles criticizing Fauci, which is what liberals don’t want to hear.

From the article:

When the pandemic hit, America needed someone to turn to for advice. The media and public naturally looked to Dr. Anthony Fauci—the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, an esteemed laboratory immunologist and one of President Donald Trump’s chosen COVID advisers. Unfortunately, Dr. Fauci got major epidemiology and public health questions wrong. Reality and scientific studies have now caught up with him.

Here are the key issues:

You have to view the article read them.

The qualifications are given at the bottom of the article, and I assume that they are experts because of that. Otherwise, another forum member is right in claiming that Newsweek is a tabloid.

I’m very familiar with both their qualifications and the idiocy of their stances as we’ve discussed that trio for months now. They’re no smarter today than they were 18 months ago.

In what way are their points questionable? For the first point, the editors acknowledge that conclusions concerning natural immunity is still unclear. For the second point, the authors are taking their views from Fauci’s own admissions. For the third point, we have Fauci’s points vs. that of what European countries are doing. For the fourth, the editors refer to a Bangladesh study that shows that masks work vs. a Danish study referred to by writers that argue that the statistical difference in terms of protection is not that high.

And so on.

For that, the authors are immediately dismissed and the news magazine labeled a tabloid, and likely because you and others bothered to read only the title.

Given that, I see little that makes sense, is reasonable, or even mature in your posts.

I gave you links to other threads where we’ve discussed this. I’m not going to address some tired old shit just because you came across them over a year after the rest of us. I’ll also not take the time to go point by point over why hydroxychloroquine isn’t the wonderful cure for CoVID, nor counter the drinking of bleach as a surefire solution.


Newsweek isn’t all that liberal, not like the New York Times. And neither are as far left as HuffPost.

You misspelled “bullshitters”.

One opinion piece is not “articles”.

According to this source, it’s not just liberal but even left-center:

but you’re free to explain otherwise.

BTW, an opinion piece is an article.

But the article refers to a recent study published last August, the death rates from last October, Fauci’s admission before October 15, the study about schools in Sweden from last February, and so on. How did you become aware of these sources more than a year ago?

If they’re so “liberal”, why’d they run an opinion piece bashing Kamala Harris in August of last year?

The author of which is another known kook, by the way.

:laughing: :laughing:

You’re trying to paint it as a news article, which it is not. And you said “articles”, plural. Got any news articles?

Because they want to appear that they’re not biased. Even similar papers in other countries, like the Philippines, do similar.

Take note that there’s no connection between being biased and being accurate. It’s more a matter of choosing what to report and what to ignore:

Still no news articles, huh?