Am I peeing too often?

Is there any harm in urinating frequently? I find myself going to the bathroom to evacuate my bladder quite frequently; It’s not that I NEED to go, I just prefer to have an empty bladder while I’m working, eating, etc. I could certainly control myself, and go far less frequently if I thought I was doing any harm to myself. Am I weakening the muscle down ‘there’ by not holding it in longer?

No - you’re not doing yourself any harm by peeing a lot - your muscles will be fine - there are some studies that suggest holding pee for an extended period of time can be bad.

However, increased frequency of urination can signal other medical problems such as diabetes. Probably a check up by a physician would be a good idea.

Insert standard IANAD disclaimer here.


It ah, depends how you go.
If you have to push down and “force” it out, it’s not great for the muscles, if you’re just gently releasing, like normal, no harm done.

If you’re worried, do some Kegels.

A woman who has to pee more often then every three hours should see a doctor.

What do you mean by “more comfortable”?

I imagine that your fluid intake would have a lot to do with how much you whiz.

I tend to drink a lot of water/tea/diet soda, and consequently pee a lot. However, if I stop drinking it regularly, then my urinary frequency drops off a lot.

And I’m with you- I don’t like the feeling of a partially full bladder, and go just to get rid of that feeling, not because it’s absolutely necessary.

So this old guy goes to the urologist. “Doc,” he says, “I can’t pee.”

“How old are you?” the doctor asks.


“Ah, you peed enough.”


P.S. Sorry, I have nothing meaningful to add, but this is too good a joke not to share.

If you’re going more than a dozen times a day, you’re certainly peeing too much.

The emphasis on warning signs is deviation from your normal habits. If urinating 10 times per day is normal, then it’s a concern if this need changes.

I ‘go’ about 6-8 times per day and 2 per night, maybe even a dozen times sometimes.

I don’t like the feeling of having anything waiting. Just like to be rid of it. I can’t eat if I even have a hint of that feeling.

Generally, from what I’ve read, and from my doc’s feedback, I’m fine, my kidneys are fine and my bladder is fine. If my habits suddenly CHANGED/DEVIATED from MY norm, then cause for alarm…such as diabetes, among others should prompt a checkup.

But I was a bed wetter until age 5 because I would hold it in so much I wouldn’t go to the bathroom before bed and during the day. Go figure.