Am I the only guy who hasn't gotten a haircut since February?

I was lucky enough to get a haircut in February, when the storm was brewing but hadn’t made landfall.

No haircut until ~4 weeks ago when the hair places opened again, which seems it might be brief, since my county (Santa Cruz) is on the watch list which means hair places will close in a few days. And I’m getting shaggy again. C’est la guerre. At some point I’ll buy a flowbee or whatever and go stubbly up top.

Oh, I should add, my hair curls at the briefest hint of humidity. My wife likes that, and so she’s not actually in favor of a haircut right now. :slightly_smiling_face:

I get one every 6 weeks. One was postponed for a couple weeks. I’ve been working at least 60 hours a week nonstop since forever. I’ve been sleeping, eating, working, working out, all “essential” things required to live. The lady who cuts my hair has been doing it (my hair) 15 years. She was shut down as long as she was mandated. She opened back when she could and follows all protocols. I support her livelihood the little bit I can and see no problem with it. The last 2 appointments no one else was in the building, she wore a mask and sanitized everything. If you don’t see the need and think you are doing your part for health and safety, good for you. I’m probably more likely to die from falling in my bathroom or something than getting a hair cut. I have lived my whole life with very bad anxiety and I do my part to practice meticulous hygiene, general good health and behaviors that minimize the probability of my early demise. You won’t see me at any rallies claiming that I’m being oppressed when someone asks me to wear a mask. At the same time I abhor hysteria and fearmongering. That’s why you also didn’t see me on 9/12/2001 running around saying that we were all going to be murdered by Muslim terrorists or trying to get my schools to ban kids with HIV because my kids might catch it from using the same pencil sharpener, and so on. Use good sense, protect yourself and others as much as you can, flatten the curve, etc, but you can’t eliminate ever risk in life and such a life would not be worth living.

No haircut since mid-February. I’ve cleaned up the front and sides a bit.

My last haircut was some time last summer. June, I think. Essentially my hair is a long as I’m capable of getting it; what I go in for is trimming out the split ends on individual hairs and trimming the raggedy ends in back so it doesn’t look pathetic. Which it probably does now, but it’s not like I’m making a lot of public appearances.

I just bought a pair of clippers back in May and have been doing it myself since.

I invested in some clippers and just do a #1.5 all over. I’m kind of bummed out that I am basically embracing the gaunt unshaven hermit look, but the truth hurts sometimes.

My dear mother, on the other hand, had a black market haircut this morning. Her usual stylist, I’m sure he was careful, but he had the windows blacked out to foil the popo and everything. Cash only, even. I can’t stay mad but jeez, mom.

My spring haircut would have been right after Easter. Fall haircut is usually right after Labour Day, but I doubt the barber shop will be open yet. So I haven’t had a haircut since late November, when they asked me to get it cut and my beard trimmed before my surgery. (I normally get the beard trimmed along with my haircut, so it’s getting a bit shaggy, too.)

I found a set from the 80s in my basement (came with the house), seems to have all the guards and barely used. Any advice?

Make sure you have a steady hand and start with the longer guards first! Mine’s pretty easy since I just buzz the sides and back with the #2 guard leaving the top long, and if I am feeling daring I’ll try to taper to a #1. Made the mistake once of taking a bit too much off and had to fix it by doing it all with the #1. :laughing:

Military haircut the day I retired on December 31st, and not only haven’t I cut it since then, when it got to shoulder length the ladies dyed it bright lavender using a product called “Splat”.

I trimmed my hair with scissors just a week ago. I didn’t bother shortening all of it; I just cut the parts that were hanging down over my ears and in my eyes and down the back of my neck. The rest is longer and thicker than usual, but whichever - I just wanted it to stop getting in my face and ears and then trimmed the back for consistency. (And just a second ago I trimmed an errant lock on the left back that I’d missed before.)

Oddly enough, nobody has said anything at all about it. I still meet with my parents in person (since I’m sequestering harder than they are) and share video with my co-workers, and nobody has said anything. They’ve commented on haircuts before - maybe people only look at how much hair is on the top of my head and nothing else matters?

I’ve had two haircuts since then. On both occasions I made the earliest appointment so that I would be the first client served. Barber shops were initially closed here - for over a month. Strict hygiene and health rules have been enforced now.

I hadn’t had a haircut since November, so by now I would be in a heck of a state. I am largely bald these days, but have a crown, and that kind of hairstyle does not look good long and shaggy. It was bad enough in May, and I finally knew I had to buy some clippers. Though doing it myself is not an easy task. I guess I’ll get better at it if I have to do it regularly from now on.

I have not been to my barber since, at least, mid March. I cannot recall how long before that I had my first post Christmas haircut… Back in the 70s I probably didn’t have a real haircut for well over 10 years, so I think I will get by.

My store has sold a ton of clippers since this whole thing started. And I’m not really exaggerating, it might well have been a literal ton. I think a lot more people are doing their own, or having a family member do it.

I normally only get a haircut every 2 years or so, but wouldn’t you know it, this spring was when I needed another one. When it got to the point I was accidentally sitting on the end of my braid on a frequent basis Iopped the bottom few inches off myself. When I wear my hair down it’s a bit ragged at the bottom, but it doesn’t matter. When I’m at work it’s brained/tied up so no one can tell, and outside of work I’m not in close proximity to other people. When things settle down I can get another real trim. Until then I’m good.

I’m not sure if I want to know.

I’ve cut my hair twice since the start of things. The first time I had no idea what I was doing, and finally threw in the towel and just shave everything (a do-over).

It grew back and didn’t look half bad.

Then I watched YouTube videos and learned how to do a real fade. I’ll never allow anyone else to cut my hair.

My last haircut was in 1995. My hair’s natural length is a bit longer than shoulder length and what’s left of it is quite managable. I last trimmed my beard in February, its natural length seems to be around 4 inches.

I haven’t gotten a haircut since early March, shortly before the lockdown, and my hair is very thick, so I’m developing quite the mane. I look like an older version of a moptop-era Beatle. When I get up in the morning I look like a troll doll. My wfe is good at cutting the kids’ hair so I might ask her to give me a haircut, or I might just let it keep growing. Haven’t decided.

I keep my hair about mid-back length. I don’t mind it being longer, except it begins to get in my way. One day a couple of weeks ago, I was griping about it at work and a co-worker offered to cut it for me, so I let her. Turned out fine.