Am I the only male that does go ga-ga over babies?

I’m at a loss to understand how liking babies would make a man gay or effeminate. Are gay or effeminate men known to like babies any more or less than straight men?

Only while shopping. Have you seen the shoes?
Men who are caring for their babies and small children, being tender with them? Sexy as all get out.
We all know it ends as soon as the wailing starts, but it’s still a wonderful brief moment of hotness.

My dad and his brothers love babies. It’s the sweetest thing to see these gruff retired military guys go gooey in the presence of a little one.

My dad also has the seemingly magical ability to rock even the fussiest baby to sleep. I’ve told him he should set up as a babysitter for the teething and colicky.

I’ve always loved them, even before my first arrived. Heaps of blokes do. They’re magnificent.

My Dad (50) loves babies. He gets that soft eye going, and neighborhood women and my moms younger friends sometimes get him to babysit their babies. As far as I know, he’s always been like that (although I haven’t known him all his life…).

Allow me to claim the word “ungaga” to describe my relation to babies. I mean, sometimes they’re cute, but then again sometimes they aren’t. I just can’t relate to them. They’re such awkward conversationalists – almost as bad as I am – and it doesn’t make for a happy match.

Two years ago, I was kinda indifferent. Now that I’ve had my own little one, however, forget it…I can’t get enough of the little buggers. If I see a newborn carrier on someone’s shopping cart in the supermarket, I’ll go down that isle specifically to take a peek.

Love 'em!

Well, you’re going to stay lost. I have no idea why or how anyone would think so. I’ve been asked, or insinuated, is all. several times, and always by men.
BTW; apparently it’s genes that make a man gay. Or so I’ve read.

I’m 19, and I love babies. Not much of a conversationalist, but it’s not as if you talk about anything in particular…

When it really caught folks’ attention was when I was a kid. At 10, 11, 14, etc, I loved to hold babies, did a lot of babysitting, etc., and it drew a lot of comment. Fortunately that predated the almost obsessive concern with males as child molesters, so although I think there was some concern about that, I don’t think it was as bad as it would’ve been a decade later.

That understandably exaggerated fear places a real barrier between men and children.
Too bad, for both.

Their smiles and laughter sustain me. I love talking to the kids who are old enough. I love playing games. I especially love answering their questions. My dream job is hosting my own children’s television show.

One of the consolations of old age will be that people will see me as a grampa type and no longer suspect me of being a molester.

I guess that concern (fear, really) is more pervasive that I realized.

I love babies.

I will willingly spend hours with them. Just delightful. There is no one on the earth who is smarter, and more engaged in the process of learning than a newborn baby. Life is a constant adventure! Every day is a treasure.

All the silly warning about poo, pee, and puke are silly. Yeah, they leak. So what? That’s what diapers are about.


Tiny hands, gripping
Wide eyes serenely watching
Everything is new.

Listen, baby, I will sing
Look at me, and we will laugh

Sleepy eyes closing
So much new to do each day
Every tomorrow.

My attitude to infants and toddlers changed when I first spent time with my nephew, then 15 months old. Now I’m incredibly indulgent with children. As a single guy, there’s nothing like having a baby asleep in your arms. And the best part? When they scream or stink, you get to hand them back!

Aw, this is terribly cute.

Yes, it really is. Men and kids would both be better off if they were able to interact more freely. I don’t joke about how my husband would love to steal this baby or that toddler in public, as people would probably take me seriously.

Done that. Not a happy experience. I told a 5 or 6 year old little girl that I’d give her a shiny quarter for her noisey little brother. She got it, and laughed, and so did dad, but mom got on a roll and wouldn’t stop even after my explanation and semi-apology.
Children, in a way, belong to all of us.

Why do I think the key word here is their?
Ie: maybe what you’re getting turned on by is a man who is safe and domesticized, is presumably a steady provider, and is probably unavailable.

I dunno. Have you seen that commercial where the woman gets out of her car and is much admired by the men present? Turns out she has three kids and they’re all surfing.
I think she’s sexy as all get out, and it has nothing to do with the qualities you mention.Enough so that I don’t remember what the commercial is for.