Am I the only male that does go ga-ga over babies?

Doesn’t even touch my point. What makes a woman sexy to men has less than nothing to do with what makes a man sexy to women.

You’re a youngster, aren’t you? Or very innocent.
Anyway, I was kidding.

OK. And I was venting.

I’m not innocent about women, exactly, just cynical as hell. I believe men are aroused entirely by their eyeballs, whereas women are aroused mostly by pop psychology features in glossy magazines.

Wow! Even the ones who wouldn’t read such magazines at gunpoint?

I can’t speak for anyone but myself–a practice many people would do well to embrace. But what I like about someone who interacts well with babies and children is that it implies caring, playfulness, and a willingness to do stuff that might make them look silly. Doesn’t have a thing to do with “domestication” or “unavailability.” But you’re welcome to think so if you like.

And, **mangeorge, ** I always thought that commercial’s thrust was that the woman was sexy (which I agree with, she’s quite hot) in spite of her motherhood, not because of it. The guys are all ogling her before they see her children.

Oh, I see.
No, I think they think she’s hot. The kids don’t detract at all. Not nowadays. Not from the sexiness. For me, it adds appeal. Implied experience, I guess. The men calm down because of the alpha male presence.

I hate babies. I hate babies with a passion. To me, they’re like bad art. All you can do is look at them, and they’re not even fun to look at.

Children, on the other hand, I can’t get enough of them. I volunteer at the Child Protective Services her and I absolutely get a kick talking to the kids. I fell in love with this one five year old. She was absolutely adorable. I genuinely enjoyed my conversation with her.

My favorite age though is about one and a half. Too young to talk but old enough to be afraid of you.

But yeah, have a child, call me when they can run around and play, until then I don’t think they’re fun.

What’s more lovable than a baby? A little innocent being, just trying to discover who he/she is and what the world around he/she means. Come on, babies rock!

My family considers me notorious for liking babies…they say I get a goofy look on my face when I see one. Like Shagnasty, I don’t really like them as much when they are too young. But by the time they can look and interact well (about 5 months) they become absolutely fascinating.

I actually did more of the parenting of our two sons because I was more interested in messing with them than my wife. Potty trained both, etc.

As an aside, sometimes parents seem to suspect that that old geezer (I’m 64) must be a molester or something. I’m not!..I just really like little kids…actually all children, including teenagers…I taught high school for 30 years, and very much enjoyed the interaction with my students.

So…I go ga-ga, except I would never say that to a child. Much better to use real language appropriate to their age…

I love babies - I’ve loved them since I was a teenager, at least. Now I’m married, and I love having a fresh new one every few years.

There’s just something about that peach-fuzz on top of their heads that drives me nuts. And making them laugh is one of the best feelings in the world.

I’m 39, happily married with a 5 year old son, and I cheerfully accost strange women at the supermarket and play with their babies. Babies take the attention for granted, of course, and the mothers are always totally cool with it. Babies are so cool, especially once they get past the three month larval stage: every single day they can do something they couldn’t do the day before. I just find that endlessly fascinating.

My dad’s a manly man and he loves him some babies. He is very good with them and loves to hold them and play with them.

Makes me feel bad that I won’t be giving him any grandbabies (not bad enough to actually have kids) but I did get him a grandpuppy and he treats her just like a human baby. Sometimes it’s so cute it’s sick.

Man who loves babies here - my own and other people’s. I love everything about 'em (except changing diapers). I love those pics proud parents pass (alliteration!), I love holding 'em, and I love their smiles of pure joy.

I must say this board is a bit of an eye opener. I never dreamed that so many people disliked babies, parents, etc. but it seems that many a thread is devoted to that subject.

I have grandpuppies who live with my grandkids. They love it when I come visit. One has some sort of asthma thing, and has a sneezing/snorting fit till I pick her up. Then she does that wrinkle nose doggie smile thing. Within 3-4 minutes she’s wants to be put down, then waits for me to take a seat so she can climb up. Then when the other two see her get away with it, they figure it’s their turn. One’s a sissified pit bull mix, and won’t take no for an answer.
I can’t live with dogs because I’m gone a lot and dogs don’t cotton to being left alone.