Am I the only one who sees Obama as a Huge Media Whore?

Is it just me? he has too much to say about local news -issues, trevon, Arizona Firefighters, Blah Blah Blah, Things covered well by local news etc. But Nothing to say about IRS scandal? Benghazi murder coverup? Piece of S**t

You are not the only one. Whether this view has any objective basis in reality is another thing entirely.

Certainly he talks to the press a lot more than the last guy did, but then Bush Jr was notorious for how little he spoke to the media. I do recall earlier presidents making various banal pronouncements from time to time (remember Bush Sr and that whole stupid kerfuffle about broccoli?) and to the best of my recollection I don’t think Obama has ramped this element up significantly. Also, the media seem even more obsessed with trivia than in the past, which means that they tend to ask the president about stuff that people are talking about, even if it’s not particularly relevant to him, which then leads to the White House drafting pre-emptive statements in anticipation and so on and so forth in the usual media-political circle jerk. If he didn’t comment on them, people would be call him “out of touch” and “uncaring” and a “piece of s**t” for not saying something. Such is politics these days.

As for the other things, the fact that you refer to a “Benghazi murder coverup” at all suggests that perhaps your view of Obama isn’t entirely without partisan bias.

Yeah, the “piece of sh*t” remark sounds a little biased. :smiley:

Yes, it’s just you.

You may be the only one who thinks that’s an unexpected characteristic in a person who ran for president of the country. That takes quite an ego, no? Anyway, presidents are asked to comment on current events like those all the time. And of course he has commented more than once on Benghazi and the IRS thing.

How dare he remind us that he’s the President by, you know, appearing and stuff!

You should tell us how you really feel.

Don’t hide behind euphemism and PC language!

You sound like the kind of guy who voted for him twice. What made you change your mind about our President?

Certainly unique to this President. I’ve never noticed this sort of behaviour from any other politicians.

There was no Benghazi murder coverup, and as for the IRS scandal . . .

Obama hasn’t been on TV enough. I welcome a well-spoken and honest man like him providing guidance for this nation on multitudes of subjects.

How dare the President of the United States express his opinion on television! Who does he think he is, anyway?

Was this the GOP talking point for the day? Or is it just coincidence that there are two threads (the other is in GD) making the same complaint about Obama within hours of each other by two different posters?


He’s a politician. Media-whoring is in the job description. All of them do it- Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Labour, New Democratic, Liberal Democrat, Likud, etc…

Jennifer Rubin’s latest diatribe (I don’t read her column, I read the comments to her column calling her an idiot) was about Obama “politicizing the courts.” As opposed to all previous Presidents, apparently.

And, really, we don’t even need “media” as a qualifier.

You aren’t the only one, but you’re as biased as all the rest.

Also, if you’re going to sign your posts, you should drop it down a couple lines.

I see what you did there. Bravo. :smiley:

Don’t insult other posters in this forum.

Yep. You don’t get to be a politician anyone knows the name of without being a media whore. (or e-mailing the wrong person pictures of your jimmy) I’d be shocked if he wasn’t on camera as often as he is.