Am I The ONLY One Who's "Off-Line" At Home?

I don’t have E-mail or Internet access at home, from choice. I have all that stuff here at work, but at home I like to be unplugged. I was sitting around reading yesterday and thought, “Boy, it’s a good thing I’m not online, or I’d probably have spent the whole damn day on the SDMB.”

I know sooner or later—when my computer dies and I have to upgrade—I will get all the bells and whistles. In 20 years, it will be like not having a phone. But right now I’m happy just having access at the office.

Anyone else, or am I the only Luddite here?

Luddite! :smiley:

Seriously, I’d love to have a job where they didn’t mind if I roamed the internet. As it is, I don’t work, so all my access is at home.

nope. My house bruned down last week, so the only time I am online is when I am at work. But I am sure I would be on SDMB at night if I had my competer back.

I’m very anti-tech at home. Nothing more complicated than a VCR and an answering machine.

not the only one. not on line at home. Modem doesn’t work. live with electronic repair guy who fixes everybody else’s stuff…

You’re not the only one…I only had a computer when I was in school, and now keep it simple at home (I recently got rid of TV and am discovering these things called “books”…) I have a pretty cool boss so I can surf some at work, and get personal e-mail here.

Although I’ve heard rumors of that surveillance software coming on board…my days here are numbered :frowning:

Eve, I prefer the term “neo-Luddite” (implies that I use technology but still have some reservations).

I am offline at home, which is why I have been something of a stranger here lately.

P.S. I hope I never have a pager, and doubt I will ever have a cel phone.


I do have a computer at home but I rarely do much more online than check my email with it. I figure I spend so much time online here at work that I don’t need to do so at home. Besides, I’m spoiled here with a T1 line and the connection at home is so morbidly slow (compared to this) that I give up waiting anyway.
I also consider time online “work” and I would rather keep work and home/play separate.

Count me among the Luddites. I don’t have a home computer, so I can only post from work (which is probably a good thing, considering how addicitve this board can be). Getting a computer has been a “one of these days” thing for years now. There are times that it would be nice to have one at home, but I haven’t had a real reason to take the plunge yet. I sit in front of one all day at work and by the time 5:00 rolls around, I’ve had my fill. Besides, I wouldn’t be much fun at home if I had one:

Mrs denbo: “Aren’t you coming to bed?”
denbo: “Not yet. I’ve almost got this Excel visual basic procedure working for the customer database. Just another hour or so…”

Reporting in from another computerless home.

I don’t own a computer, and don’t have any chance of affording one. (heck, I can’t even afford food most of the time)

Don’t even miss it all that much :slight_smile:


Good Heavens, Pandora. I don’t think you’ll be able to go without for too long. I skipped breakfast and I miss it already. :wink:

I have no access at home, also by choice. I am blessed to work in a surveillance-free environment, and it is likely to stay that way. I find that nothing wastes my time as much as internet at home.


Good Heavens, Pandora. I don’t think you’ll be able to go without for too long. I skipped breakfast and I miss it already. :wink: **

my food budget is 45 dollars a month.
I skip lots of meals.
(on the plus side it has been an effective diet plan)

We talk about you all weekend, Eve. :wink:

Count me amongst the “no-home-interneters.” I have a computer but it’s too old and slow for me to want to waste the money on internet access. Plus, judging from the amount of time I spend here when I’m supposed to be working it’s scary to think how little I would do at home if I was on line.

No access at home and it is not by choice.
I risk life and limb (O.K., I risk only my livelihood) every time I read, much less post, to the SDMB. Yet here I am, posting my little heart out.

I want access at home so that I can have a reason to ignore my husband and children. Now when I ignore them, it just seems mean.

I think I’ll start a fund-raising drive. The Help Pink Slinky Ignore Her Family Fund, or HP-SHFF.
Send in your donations now and I’ll e-mail you my unemployment slips!

I, too, have no computer at home, by choice. There have been times I’ve been tempted to get one, but I have a big enough ass as it is.

There are times I wish I could participate in chat at night, though, as some members have told some pretty hilarious stories. But as others have pointed out, it’s too addicting, and I probably wouldn’t have any other interests anymore.

Ive got an identical set-up at home as the one Im now using(at work, shhh!). (the company paid for it and the DSN line). I don’t use it though. I had an experience where I was on a board till two am and I get up at 5. So unless somebody calls me at home and tells me they’ve sent me something important, I don’t turn it on.