Am I the only person in his 20's who...

Hi Joel. Welcome to the club. I answer yes to all of your criteria.


Same thing here. Never did drugs. Never smoked (except for a role on-stage), never got seriously drunk. No sex for the Longest time (although that one wasn’t my choice).

Count me in with JavaMaven1 . I too would make a few changes .

More sex , more drugs but I don’t think I could have drank more .
Fair play to you Joel . To each his own .

I was 6 when I had my 1st ciggy-butt.

When I was 15, I opened 26 beer with my teeth, and drank all of them. (I almost died)

I smoked pot for the 1st time when I was 18 and lost my virginity when I was 18 as well.
I don’t regret any of it. I probably should…but I don’t.

My own kids better not try that crap though!!

all blown by the time I was 16. dont regret anything. life is too short for regrets.

I had my first cigarette when I was in the 4th grade and I started smoking when I was 16 and continue to do so to this day. I quit both times I was pregnant and stupid me started up again!!

I smoked pot as a teen and occasionally did a little crank and cocaine on the weekends so I could stay out and party all night and still get to work by 6 a.m.

I’ve been drunk lots of times! I’ve never passed out or forgotten part of the night or anything but I’ve been really drunk before. Now that I’m older (and wiser) and a mother, I don’t get hammered anymore. I have 2-3 drinks and quit. I’m a lot more responsible now!

I had sex for the first time when I was 17 and it was a horrible experience with a real jerk of a boyfriend. (I figured it out later that he was a jerk but I always knew the sex was bad!) I wouldn’t change that experience for anything though. I learned what kind of men to stay away from and once I was properly laid by someone who knew how to please me I knew how good sex could really be!

I can understand not smoking or drinking but if you can have sex… why not! I (IMHO) would not want to marry the first person I had sex with (or was going to have sex with after we were married). I would always wonder what it would be like with someone else and I would wonder if this is the way it’s supposed to be, am I doing it right, is this how it’s supposed to feel… etc. There’s nothing wrong with being a virgin when you’re married but there’s nothing wrong with having some experience first either. I opt for experience! To each his own though.

I’m almost 24 now. Trust me, there are plenty of us who match your criteria, except for the sex bit.

1)Never somked

I never have, and I never will. I’m actually pretty zealous about it. I’ve been known to use fire suppression systems to make my point…

2)Never did illegal drugs
Never. Odd too, given that when I was in high school my school was rated #1 in drug use for the state.

3)Never got drunk
I’ve never had a drink. Not once. I don’t think I ever will either. It has no appeal to me at all, and the idea of purposely ingesting something that will have an adverse effect on my seems stupid.

4)Never had sex before getting married
Damn. Almost had all four. First time was 17 in the back of my car, and it makes me sick to even think about that situation. Now I’m happily in a monogomous relationship that just passed the 4 year and moving-in mark. I wish I had waited…

Ya’ know, I’ll bet a LOT of people have less experience in the sex arena than they’ll admit to. I’ll freely admit that I have done very little. Oh, I’ve had some experiences, but certainly not as much as I’d like. It’s mostly my fault too. For some reason I can’t just throw caution to the wind very easily. I suppose this makes my thread in MPSIMS ironic.
I’ve smoked some and drank some. I smoked only to look cool at college parties. It makes me sick. The times I got drunkest I was at the weddings of family members. I made a complete ass of myself several times, but I had fun. I’ve never passed out or thrown up from drinking, but I’ve come close.
As for drugs, I tried pot a few times but it didn’t do much for me. I’d probably only smoke it now if someone gave it to me. Maybe not even then.

Yeah, I don’t fully understand how a person can be measured just by the notches on their bedboard. Sex is one of the oldest, most primitave functions that we as humans own. It’s making procriation recreation.

I’m not against it, I just feel that we own far more qualities that make us who we are.

Having said that, if there wasn’t sex there wouldn’t be the Jerry Springer show. Hmmmm…

You know, this is quite interesting.

For the most part, if you are a non-smoker, non-drug user, and even don’t have sex, people don’t really care… but when you say that you don’t drink, you ALWAYS get the 3rd degree: “Oh, you DON’T drink? Why?”

Then they have to try and guess why you don’t drink. “Are you allergic?” (Yes, I’ve had this one asked of me.), “Are you an alcoholic?”, etc. I’ve had some people litterally on the verge of harrassing me because I don’t drink. They say that they will try and get me to try at least one drink or try to get me drunk, but I never let it happen. The more they push, the more I’ll resist.

So, for the record, the reason I don’t drink is that I don’t like the taste of alcohol… even in mixed fruit drinks, I can taste it. I also happen to be a very picky eater as well, so maybe that has something to do with it (over sensitive taste buds or something).

I just wish that people would just accept the fact that I don’t drink and leave it alone. It’s not THAT uncommon.

When I was 18 I would have fit. I came to school with a firm resolution that I was not going to smoke, drink, do drungs, or have sex til I was married.

Someone offered my a drink and my adventuous side kicked in. Everybody else seems to enjoy being drunk so I tried it and I liked it. I tried smoking and I liked it. I only some when I am drinking though it is the only way I can get past the taste. I will try sex when the opportunity pesents it self and as soon as I don’t have to worry about drug tests I will try pot too.

I am sorry I have alot of trouble respecting people who have never tried something when it is easy for them to do. Life it too short to deny yourself experiences. I have no regrets with my life and proably never will. If you have tried something then still don’t like it well more power to ya but at least try it.

Well, I’ve only been out of my twenties since last November, so I’ll weigh in:

  1. I have never, ever smoked and never will. Never even gave it a thought. I find it to be the single most vile of the personal vices, and completely fail to see the appeal. (I can imagine the appeal of nicotine itself, but smoking is just nausea-inducing.)

  2. Never tried drugs. Never even was really exposed to them, except for pot (mostly by my sister), and that was too much like smoking (q.v.) to appeal to me.

  3. Got drunk for the first time when I was 15. Overdid it quite a bit in college.

  4. Had sex for the first time when I was 16 years old. It wasn’t terrible, but the world didn’t move, either.

Lessee, I just turned thirty earlier this year, so i think I still qualify…

Smoking? Never smoked, never even been tempted to.

Drugs? Some pot. Maybe once a year, if that. Not tempted by anything else.

alcohol? Well, a drop of bailey’s in me coffee every morning disqualifies me.

Sex? Far far far too infrequently. T’aint nuthin’ wrong with foolin’ around. S’fun!

Purity? Me? <maniacal laughter ensues>
Now that that’s out of my system–

Illegal drugs: Never have, got no interest now. Life is fun as it is.

Tobacco: Ack! I react badly even to second-hand smoke. My throat is still sore from the smoke in the club Falcon, Chef Troy, beatle, and I visited last weekend. Even if it didn’t bother me, I don’t see how there could be any appeal in smoking.

Drunk: Several times–though never to the point that I couldn’t function. I generally wound up looking after my friends when they got falling-down drunk (taking their keys, making them drink water, making up pallets for them to sleep on, etc). I haven’t gotten more than an almost imperceptible buzz in nearly 7 years. I don’t miss it.

Sex: OK, here’s where purity takes a flying leap. I’m not even going to mention the when/who of my first time. Suffice it to say that it was well before I hit 20.

Dragwyr said:

You too, huh?

I got drunk once, in 8th grade. A party at a friend’s house, the other guys did the “give it to Jeremy, he’ll eat anything” with a bottle of Heiniken. I chugged, and then felt really bad for the next day. My fiance has tried for years to get me to drink, and I can’t see her winning that battle. I can’t stand the taste, either. She’s big into margaritas and such, and has tried on many occasions to get me to order one, but I just don’t like them in the least. Give me a nice tall glass of Coke any day.

Of course, it also means that I’m the one who drives everyone home, but that doesn’t bother me at all.

As for the rest of the stuff, never smoke, never did any drugs. I had a Vicodin when I had my widsom teeth pulled a few years ago, and dear god, I don’t know why anyone in their right minds would want to feel like that. I just put up with the dull, throbbing pain rather than get whopped by that stuff again. The sex thing, well, I can’t say I’m waiting for marraige with that one…

I’m 19, and I don’t qualify on all 4 counts.

However, no one can say my life is boring and I don’t think I will regret anything I am doing (I’m much more concerned about my credit rating). In fact, last night I did 3 of the four you mentioned. Guess which ones!!

Wow, I’m not the only one? Cool. :slight_smile: Hehehe

My reasons?
Well, besides of my religious beliefs keeping from from doing them, my other reasons are:
1)Never somked. I’ve seen photos of what it does to your lungs.
2)Never did illegal drugs. I’ve never wanted to risk frying my brain.
3)Never got drunk, maby a buzz at the most (I drink sometimes, but never to the point of intoxication). I’m not into killing my brain cells, and I don’t need alcohol to relax.
4)Never had sex before getting married (I did a few other things, but never intercourse). I didn’t want to catch a disease or get anybody pregnant.


  1. Never smoked.
  2. Never done drugs.
  3. Never been drunk.

And as for #4

I am having sex before I’m married, but I’m marrying the first and only person I’ve ever had sex with (and dude, we managed to abstain for a whole year and a half, freaks that we are!)–and more astonishing, I’m his first and only as well.

FTR, I’m 27.