Am I the only person who'd rather food manufacturers raised prices than shrank containers?

I don’t really care that they shrink containers. It’s a minor annoyance.

But when they change the shape of the containers to hide it, then less actual food will fit in my fridge, freezer, and cupboards. I’m looking at you, ice cream tubs that slope upward.

All processed food should be sold in rectangular packages in a few standard sizes.

This, a thousand times over!

We had so much leftover this and that last Christmas when we dug out some old recipes and had to buy two cans, two boxes, etc. of oddball stuff that we don’t normally have around the house to get the recipes to come out right after years of shrinkage.

I’m not going to buy sunsweet prunes anymore because there’s a big lump in the bottom of the tub to hide the sneaky cowardly craven shrinking from 18 ounces to 16 ounces.

Anyone like Little Debbie’s Oatmeal Creme Pies? Those things are about half the size they used to be!:mad:

I’d rather they had doubled the price than halved the size of the cookie.

The real abomination is the fact that most of the country does not use proper hot dog rolls in the first place.

Does anyone remember that commercial a few years back, for I cannot remember what, probably an investment advisor company? The guy was being praised by his company for saving them several million dollars – by putting one less olive in their jars.

The thing that irks me is more along the lines of these companies are passing the cost on to us. We are the ones who have to throw away all that excess packaging.

So in other words you are saying the manufactuer’s plan is working perfectly.

There is (was?) a class action suit against McCormick, after they reduced their ground black pepper tin. They didn’t even change the shape or size of the tin - it’s the exact same tin, filled only 3/4 of the way, with “3 oz” written on it where it used to say “4 oz”.

It makes me fume when manufacturers do this. Bacon is a prime example in Canada. They reduced package sizes first from 500g to 454 (lb) Some brands even said “New ONE POUND PACKAGE!”… then the sizes dropped to 375 g. Then the price of bacon rose. I eat one slice / week … I have tried to quit nitrates and stuff but small boy and tall boy love the stuff, and I am powerless over the smell, so I have one slice on the weekend when we have a big breakfast.

My husband wonders why I take twice as long as he does to shop. I have a rough idea of what things cost, as typical loss leaders and also base price/ mass unit. I make sure I am not paying more for an item than need be. The price of cheese is another one that seems to defy the laws of packaging and economics. Be sure that I don’t just toss a brick into the cart and get sticker shock later.

My favorite brand of hotdog comes 7 to a package. SEVEN! WTF.

I’ll mention another that really torked me off a few years ago. I used one of those propane tank replacement kiosks, I think it was Blue Rhino. I turned in a 20 lb. tank, which is the standard size for home grills. I got the new tank and when I got home, it kind of felt light. I went ahead and used it, but the next time I was at the store, I looked more closely at the Blue Rhino cage, and saw they were only putting 17 lbs. of propane in each tank!! I called their “customer service” number and complained, and was told that they are doing this as a convenience to their customers rather than increase the price. Oh, yeah it’s more convenient to have to haul my empty tank in more often.

Well, ever since, I now take my tank to my local hardware store, and they put the full 20 lbs. in the tank… and charge less than Blue Rhino does for a partial fill.

And now, I just looked online, and it looks like they are only putting 15 lbs. of propane in the tanks, so customers are getting even less propane.

I’ve stopped buying yogurt because of this. For a long time, you could get 8 oz cups of yogurt. Then they all downsized to a six oz container and the new Greek style yogurts can bottom out at 4 oz. Barely worth getting the spoon out, if you ask me.

The last hold out for the 8oz yogurts was Columbo, and when they downsized to 6, I stopped buying them. A year or two later, the brand was discontinued. Fear my wrath, soulless corporations!

I see that the grocery shrink ray has hit sugar in the past couple of years. When I bought my hummingbird supplies last year, I could still get a five pound bag. Now it’s only four pounds. Bah.

Since Orwell brought up the Home Improvement aspect, yesterday I went to Home Depot to purchase some cans of primer/sealer. Looking at the various brands of ‘gallon’ cans for sale (there were 4) my mind saw something wasn’t quite right with two of the brands - the amount was 3.72liters instead of the usual 3.78l.

Yes, the manufacturers had reduced the quantity of paint by 2 fl.oz, from 128 fl.oz (US gallon) to 126 fl.oz (random scam). Unless you looked for it, your mind wouldn’t necessarily catch the difference (in the font they used, 6 looks similar to 8), but since paint coverage is calculated by volume, a 1.6% difference may or may not be important. Glidden was one of the brands…

I have hated this for years. This and “nine ending” ($99.99) are really forms of consumer fraud, IMO. The last one that really got me was the “quarter pound” bags of beef jerky, which I really like. First they were 4 oz., of course, then 3 3/4 and down in 1/4 increments down to 3.0 oz. THEN it went to 2.85 oz. And it wasn’t just ONE brand. They ALL did it. I said “enough!”. I no longer buy beef jerky even though I can afford it.

Some years ago, Smart Balance, along with all the other margarine brands, went to 15 oz. Later, they replaced the standard round tub, which is reusable for leftovers, with a square container which is of really flimsy construction, essentially trash. Emblazoned on the container in BIG type was the good news that the new container was “STILL 15 OUNCES” (!!). The bastards actually want us to believe that we should feel fortunate that they didn’t cut the contents even more. I swear, sometimes I think the guillotine…

Are you accepting applications for minions?

There’s a local-ish dairy farm that sells ice cream in a bunch of supermarkets ( ). It’s really good ice cream and they actually sold a real half gallon, unlike everyone else’s 1.5 quarts.

A couple years ago, they changed over to the smaller size, presumably because it was easier/cheaper to get the same size containers. But…

THEY ALSO LOWERED THE PRICE! First time I’ve ever seen that happen.

I tried Turkey Hill ice cream when it first came out and was gross tasting to me . Consumer Report gave it a bad review too. So I wouldn’t waste any $$ on it !

Their “All Natural” is excellent, and a lot better than their regular. The All Natural has only real, natural ingredients, like homemade. I highly recommend it.

I used to buy Breyer’s ice cream until they made the downsized container and cheaper ingredient change. Now they can’t call half of their foods ice cream. At the moment, my primary brand is Publix Premium and it’s a full half gallon and pretty good.

I agree. In my case, the problem is the shrinking jar of spaghetti sauce. :mad: I serve spaghetti a lot less often, it annoys me so much.