Here’s the FB conversation, FWIW. (Looks like I was a little off on money values and times.)
June 1
Jeff: I have a price worked up for ur barn but I was out late pouring concrete and didn’t get home till like 9:30 I’ll get ahold of u tomorrow and meet up with u thanks
June 2
Crafter_Man: No prob, Jeff. Just call/text 937-XXX-XXXX.
Jeff: My kid has a baseball game tonight I’m working in Springfeld tomorrow let try meet up then if u want I can go ahead and tell u the price And then meet up to look at it
Crafter_Man: Not a prob - actually tomorrow is better for me, too.
June 3
Jeff: I’ll be there about 7 is that fine
[Jeff came out to look at the barn and provided a written quote: $2200 for materials, $1000 for labor. We did not pay him any money at this time – I told him we need to think about it first. - Crafter_Man]
June 10
Jeff: I was just letting u know that metal is going to go up on Monday . I thought I would let u know thanks [Jeff is letting me know the price of metal is going up soon, and thus we should order the material ASAP. - Crafter_Man]
Crafter_Man: Thanks Jeff. Am out of town right now. I’ll talk to my wife.
Jeff: Ok I thought I would just give u a heads up thanks
Crafter_Man: $2200 for now, correct? She will probably want to pay you w/ check. Cash for the labor amount shouldn’t be a problem.
Jeff: I thinking 2500 let me look. Yes 2500 then the rest when we are done
Crafter_Man: Should she make the check out to you?
Jeff: Yes Jeff dose she want me to pick it up tonight because I’ll be that way in a few going to my dads
Crafter_Man: Tonight may be good. Would you mind giving her a call at 937-XXX-XXXX (home) or 937-XXX-XXXX (cell)? Her name is Crafter_Woman. Thanks.
Jeff: Yea I’ll call her thanks again
June 19
Crafter_Man: Jeff, Are all the supplies on order? Haven’t yet gotten around to do the wiring.
Jeff: Yes they just when ever u are ready I can have it there within that week u tell me
Crafter_Man: Cool, thanks.
June 20
Crafter_Man: Jeff, Will the steel panels screw directly to the bottom of the trusses? Thanks, Michael
Jeff: Yes It will be every other
Crafter_Man: O.K., cool. For steel, are electrically boxes typically recesses (such as they are in drywall), or are the electrical boxes typically mounted “on top” of the steel, so that the entire box is exposed?
Jeff: It’s just how ever u want to do it. I have seen them both ways
Crafter_Man: Will it look sort-of like this (where there are ribs)? If so, I assume the lights must mount between the ribs?
Jeff: Yea that’s what I was saying u can do it that way or u can put it on the inside of the metal
August 5
Crafter_Man: Jeff… I’m about ready. Only have one more wire to run.
Jeff: Ok it might be a few weeks pretty booked right now
Crafter_Man: A couple weeks will be fine. Thanks.
Jeff: Ok
September 4
Crafter_Man: Jeff: what’s the status? I have the wiring done. Let me know. Thanks.
Jeff: I’m working on building a house right now trying to fit it in real fast
Crafter_Man: That’s cool… no super-rush, but I have the wiring done. Would like to get it completed soon.
Jeff: Ok I’m sorry just been slammed
Crafter_Man: No prob. Wife is complaining that we’ve already sourced $$$$ for materials. Just wondering when installation will take place.
Jeff: I have been working every weekend I’m trying to get u in as soon as possible
Crafter_Man: Again, I understand.
September 15
Crafter_Man: Jeff, I need an estimate on when the job will start.
Jeff: I’m thinking like the first weekend in October I’m really swamped right now
Crafter_Man: Has the material been paid for?
Jeff: Yes I’m just really busy I’ll do it on the weekend
Crafter_Man: Can you start Oct 10/11/15?
Jeff: Yea sounds like a plan
Crafter_Man: I’ll ping ya the week before then. Thanks.
Jeff: Ok sorry just took off a lot faster then I thought like right now I’m building a house
September 19
Crafter_Man: Am doing some planning for lighting. How wide is each piece of steel? 6 inches? 12 inches? Can you provide a link to what it looks like? Thanks.
Jeff: 9" on center
Crafter_Man: Is each piece perfectly flat? Or is there a rib?
Jeff: There is a rib
Crafter_Man: So when you look up at the finished ceiling, the ribs will be 9 inches apart?
(Center to center.)
Jeff: Yes
Crafter_Man: Cool, thanks.