AMAZING Norweigan Military Show

I just got sent one of those glurgey emails you get sent by older and/or clueless aquaintances/friends/relatives (and I want to make it clear on this occasion it was sent by a very honourable, wonderful and wise old man who is not a relative, although he is not very computer savvy) but this time it’s great. Not the email itself, which I reproduce below for you, but for the astounding vid attached which you can see here:

Brilliant Vid

Good video.

But I think I have to object to describing anything composed by Ennio Morricone as “a cheesy Hollywood theme.”

You had me at “Ecstasy of Gold.” If it’s cheese, it’s good cheese. Something cave aged, probably.

Garands, eh. I think they’re a little more than 9, and the bayonet isn’t included in that figure I don’t think. Impressive, so much could go wrong. I could weigh mine but my scale sucks. In Akershus Fortress, Oslo, there are a bunch of troops around. They carry some sort of way more modern .223 though. They kind of remind me of the various guards in England, except way less ridiculous looking, and it’s still a working military installation of kind (and museums. In a castle!).

Although I do admit that at certain parts I wanted them to say “Yo e Oh, Yo Ho!”

Are we sure that’s ice, and not a veryveryvery polished floor? I can’t imagine ice giving that nice solid stomp at each executed step… plus it sort of seems like a recipe for disaster, what with all those rifles and bayonets and tubas. :wink:

I found many references online of this precision Norwegian military band marching on ice.

Cool video. My dad used to take me to stuff like this when I was a kid.

Yes, but it’s all just repeats of the email that the OP quoted… nothing official from the RGR that says “These guys are on ice.” In fact, I found two posts on different message boards that say they’ve seen the RGR perform, can identify the hall in the video, and it’s not ice. Hence my question. :slight_smile:

At first, I thought the title was “AMAZING Norwegian Military Chow”, how does one make lutefisk exciting? Anyone else?


Agreed, definitely not cheesy.

And I take issue with marching bands that try too hard to use non-march music. I suppose you can take any song and bash it with a club until it’s in 2/4 time, but that doesn’t mean you should. Morricone suffers less than most from the attempt, though.

As a veteran of the United States Navy I’m gonna have to check in with this:

Maybe it’s a non-English idiomatic expression that doesn’t translate well, or an obscure regionalism meaning “These guys are extraordinary performers.”

They might be performing in an ice rink, but not actually on the ice. Perhaps that is where the confusion came from.

Very cool.

If you’re a fan of that kind of thing, you might like a performing group called Blast! Similar idea, though fewer military uniforms and more dance.



Holy cow, does the drill leader get hazardous duty pay for that?

This appears to be from Norwegian military tattoo in Oslo Spektrum, not sure which year. Probably 2004, 2007 or 2011 based on the flags in the background.
It is not ice on the floor unless I am very much mistaken. I’ve seen Norwegian Military tattoo 4 or 5 times, never seen ice on the floor.
There are some stories about them performing on ice, but I haven’t had it confirmed, probably hasn’t happened.
Norwegian laws probably wouldn’t allow the bayonets on ice.

Another impressive thing to remember is that they are mostly drafted soldiers (not necessarily all of them, it’s kinda complicated). This means they are in the army at the most 14 months, usually 9-12. Unless they sign up for one of Norway’s professional units.

It’s hard to beat the British army for high-precision swanning about.