I was half-way expecting another NEL this week, but it was not to be. We are now down to four teams.
Taxi Assessment
Stuck in the Desert and Officially Detained - or, Philiminated with extreme prejudice.
John & Scott and Lisa & Joni and Wanda & Desiree and Danielle & Dani and David & Lori and Lake & Michelle - Outta here.
Fran & Barry (down from “Rapido”) - Of course, the week after I actually move them up in the rankings, they’re eliminated. Still, this isn’t suprising: the leg last week played to their strengths, with a lot of end-of-leg navigation. The leg this played to their weaknesses, with a forced bunch in the center of the leg and tasks requiring physical exertion and searching ability near the end. They kinda got screwed by a no-show cab, but I suspect that, had it showed, they still would have came in last.
Flat Tire - or, not likely to get anywhere soon.
No one this week.
Stopping for Gas - or, not broken-down, exactly, but not a good sign.
No one this week.
"Rapido! Por Favor?" - or, making meaningless ineffectual comments from the back seat, but in no immediate danger.
Ray & Yolanda (holding steady) - There’re four teams left, and Ray & Yolanda are still in it, so that’s none too shabby. However, this team is clearly the weakest of the final four, so they really have to hope another team botches a task to have a chance to slip into the final three. Not impossible, surely, but I was calling the other three teams as the final three some time ago, and I’ve seen nothing to change my mind.
In the Passing Lane - or, ahead of the pack, but not quite comfortably.
Joseph & Monica (holding steady) - This team has done steadily better than the hippies the last three weeks running, which makes them look even better for the final three. I’m still a bit concerned about Killer Fatigue, but it seems to manifest itself in bursts of frustration on Joseph’s part and bursts of crying by Monica–tense moments, but ones that blow over quickly. A couple minor mistakes this episode–getting lost and misreading the clue–makes me think that, although I still expect them to be in the final three, they won’t be first to the finish line.
BJ & Tyler (holding steady) - They caught back up and had a decent, if not spectacular, leg. I’m not sure their decision to take the earlier ferry and then a cab was a good one: anything that imposes risks of delay on you and not the other teams is bad. However, it looked like a no-brainer at first, so I can’t say that it was a huge mistake, either.
Cruisin’ with Earl - or, drivin’ on the shoulder, takin’ shortcuts, and generally kickin’ butt.
Eric & Jeremy (up from “Passing Lane”) - A first place and a good recovery from their terrible leg last week, so I’m bumping them back up to the top. You could make an argument that their Roadblock performance was awful, given that Joseph &Monica caught up with them despite taking a later ferry. However, I suspect that later teams had the advantage of observing exactly where earlier teams were going, so I’m not sure I can downrate them for that.
Next week: The next NEL?
[sub]Props to Mullinator and his Raj Ratings.[/sub]