"Ambiguously Gay Duo" feature film in the works - See Alex Ross poster!

Anyone have a link to the Alex Ross Wondertwins?

Tengu. Well, here’s the sketch. Maybe someone else can find the finished art.

Enjoy .

I must admit, I’m very disappointed with the final painting. Looking at the Astro City covers in the collections, I’m finding Ross seems to ditch the most interesting parts of his ideas before painting them.

Ah, well.

Zan looks Vulcan in the finished version. And Gleek needs to lay off the crack.

Sorry, Lorne died 10 years ago. They replaced him with a robot.

Repeat that for two hours and you’ve got a movie, apparently. How could anybody think this was a good idea? Especially since most of the people involved are funny people in real life. Their car looks like a penis! Their super moves look like they’re doing 69! There! I’ve just said all the material they have.
In unrelated news, the guy from that weblog is really cute.

What? What’s everybody looking at?

To be fair to Ross, this pic was an April Fools Day gag to make Wizard readers think there was a Wonder Twins painted comic coming soon, so it’s a bit over the top on purpose.

As for an AGD movie, I’ll believe it when I see a more reliable cite.

What is this SNL and Ambiguously Gay Duo?

Which is what I was implying, the fake painted comic. Maybe the movie’s a woosh, too.

Sadly, therein lies my problem. He pulled back on that when he did the painting. Instead of making them look like they’re going badass…he made them look like they did on the cartoon, only grumpier.

I’ll be the first in line to criticize Alex Ross for any number of things, but in this case making the Wonder Twins look like they did in the cartoon was really the only way to do the joke. They were making up a painted book along the lines of Superman: Peace on Earth and Shazam: Whatever, which are all about classic versions of the character. If he’d made the Twins all coked-out, the joke wouldn’t have worked.

If he’d gone with the sketch, it would have worked quite well - far, far better than it did.

As it is it’s a basic, and fairly lame ‘They’re bringing back the Wondertwins! And Ross is doing it!’

As he apparently intended it, based on the sketch, it’s ‘Ross is Dark Knighting the Wondertwins!’ Which is a hell of a lot funnier.

I see your point shy guy, but I agree with Tengu. The sketch has much more interesting elements. Among other disappointments, the finished art has way too much light that overwhelms their faces. The only thing that would have made that sketch perfect was if Gleek showed more mavolent cunning. But Ross doesn’t ever seem to anthropomorphize animal faces much.

As a fan of the Ambiguously Gay Duo, I’ll reserve judgement. ANY concept can be turned into a good movie with the right writing. Bill and Ted’s Excellent adventure, anyone? Wayne’s World? Who would have thought that that skit could be turned into a great movie? Sure, in hindsight it looks right, but I can remember the comments before the movie came out: “Oh, great, another SNL movie based on a 2-minute skit!”

I’ll admit the track record for SNL based movies is not good, but there are a couple of standouts that give me hope that one day we’ll get another great SNL-based movie. Maybe this one will be it.

Let us all bear in mind that “The Blues Brothers” was an SNL-skit-movie. And it was one of the funniest movies, and one of the best musicals, ever made.

Please bear in mind Lorne Micheals has been trying to recapture that magic for 25 years now, and the closest he’s gotten is “Wayne’s World” and most of his efforts turn out to be like “The Ladies’ Man” or “Superstar!”

“Doing the same thing each time and expecting different results” is the definition of… something. What’s that word…? Tip of my tongue.

But the two Wayne’s World movies grossed about $200 million, which is more than enough to fund every possible sketch movie. I look forward to the inevitable release of Brian Fellow’s Safari Planet.

Well, not really.

You know, I saw a picture of him not too long ago and the guy is like 35. For some reason I had always pictured him as an old, gray, bald-on top guy in his late 60s/early 70s.

In fact, I guess I always pictured him looking kind of like the narrator from Kingdom Come, which was based on his dad, wasn’t he?

This is Lorne Michael’s movie resume. Look it over. Know what’s interesting?

**The Closet (2006) (announced) (producer)
Curly Oxide and Vic Thrill (2005) (announced) (producer)
Mean Girls (2004) (producer)
The Ladies Man (2000) (producer)
Superstar (1999) (producer)
A Night at the Roxbury (1998) (producer)
Black Sheep (1996) (producer)
Stuart Saves His Family (1995) (producer)
Tommy Boy (1995) (producer)
Lassie (1994) (producer)
Wayne’s World 2 (1993) (producer)
Coneheads (1993) (producer)
Wayne’s World (1992) (producer)
¡Three Amigos! (1986) (producer)
Nothing Lasts Forever (1984) (producer)
Gilda Live (1980) (producer)
Mr. Mike’s Mondo Video (1979) (executive producer) **

HE DIDN’T EVEN DO BLUES BROTHERS!!! That’s fucking scary. He’s tryng to successfully replicate someone else’s success by turning skits into movies. The closest he’s gotten on his own is the WAYNE’S WORLD flicks. TWELVE YEARS AGO!

You know what’s even scarier? I can’t hold him responsible for IT’S PAT: THE MOVIE or STUART SAVES HIS FAMILY.

Cisco: Yeah, visually, that’s his dad.