Sure I’m green. Don’t always consider the power of the enemy. But I was gravely injured here at the SDMB, where I though I was on friendly turf. Attacked with a viciousness and bloodlust seldom seen in this peaceable kingdom, I lay looking up at my foe, dazed, wondering if the position of his head affected its function, but preparing myself for the end. Thankfully, this story has a happy ending. The reinforcements arrived, the fiend was driven from our land. And we all knocked back a tall, cold bottle of airless fruit juice.

Crap, crap and more crap!!! This was suppossed to go in the purple heart in the war on ignorance thread. Please move it. It’s very whiny out of context.

Moderator’s Notes: There’s no way to move a post to another thread; I suggest you C&P it to the correct one. I will, however, lock this one.