Why will people once they state something argue for it even if they are wrong and know little on the subject that they are talking about?
In this thread ambushed waxes on a subject he knows very little about. I don’t claim to be an expert (there are other posters such as Chronos, Ring, Q.E.D. and newbie amore ac studio who are more knowledgable on this subject than me but I have had formal education in this area so when I point out what he is saying is crap he launches into a tirade against me.
In his last post in asserts that he is a physics graduate, despite the fact that in a previous post on another thread he says (which I also pasted into the relevant thread):
Why the fuck would anyone contiune to lie between the teeth even though they have so obviously been discovered, I am begining to think he is either a) a tr*ll or b) subnormal.
His whole tone is very insulting, arseholish and pompous. In short he is a wanker.