America is Sterilizing ICE Detainees!? What-The-Actual-Fuck...?

Trump Steaks: now with that South-of-the-Border flavor.

Those uterus handbags go perfectly with human skin lampshades.

I have a bit of a mantra that I repeat to myself often:

Just because you like it doesn’t mean it’s true. Just because you DON’T like it doesn’t mean it’s NOT true.

So I share the skepticism of many, and – like many – have no reason to put almost any repugnant act past this man and his administration.

He’s there, the facilities are there and costing money just by being there. May as well make use of 'em.
As I mentioned, it also sends a message.

It’s odd to try to keep a message you want sent a secret.

I totally believe they’d do this, I just want confirmation before I will be willing to say I know they did.

If they’re funneling them into prostitution, you wouldn’t want any inconvenient babies to result.

It’s their usual idiocy of believing it won’t get out. They think the “others” will learn their lesson and somehow no one else will find out.

Based on the Yahoo article, it looks like another exhibit in the argument against privately-run, for-profit facilities. And given the mountain of reports about how connections to the Trumps result in taxpayers being bilked out of millions for the purposes of enriching pro-Trump contractors, I suspect there’s at least an element of that in this case. This might not be as much ideological as it as just plain, lying in sight healthcare corruption.

Regardless, it’s still sickening.

There is no such thing as “too expensive” in a cost+ contract.

Follow the money. Someone is probably profiting off of these expensive surgeries.

Yeah, this isn’t a story about ideological terror; it’s a story about the disgusting degrees to which government contractors will go to enrich themselves when it assumes that there won’t be any oversight or legal consequences.

After four years, the Trump administration still manages to shock me.

We can only hope that this will kill whatever support Trump has among evangelical voters.

Good luck with that. He’s doing this to brown people who are probably Catholic.
Also, evangelicals are not about morality.

When has Trump ever given a shit about spending other people’s money?

Evangelical leaders might be swayed by promises of money and political influence. But the evangelical base is where you get the votes.

Abortions and sterilization are strong issues with evangelical voters. And it’s not like Trump has offered them anything else for them to support him on. They’ve been standing on the Cyrus argument in which they can self-justify their support of Trump because he’s doing what they consider the right thing on abortions. When they find out he’s been lying to them, he’ll lose that base.

From this story, it looks like it is one particular doctor with a particular bee in his bonnet (or bat in his belfry) who is running open loop. It’s not a general policy, probably.

I’d like to know more about this doctor, I bet he is the kind of crackpot that seems to gravitate to the Trump administration.

Still pretty horrifying though.

There is ample evidence ICE is neglecting detainees. In some cases neglecting them to death.

You only need to find one to generate an atrocity.

Hysterectomies are “weirdly expensive” when done to American citizen medical standards. If all you care about is treating women like stray mutts to be spayed they aren’t so costly.

Whether it’s actual uterus removing, tubal ligation, ovary removal or some combination of the three, given the track record of the Trump administration I’d likely be more surprised if this wasn’t true.

It’s not secret to the people it is done to (well, once they figure out what was done - there’s always sterilizing people and not telling them they were sterilized). The difference is that the people it’s being done to (if this is true) are Spanish speakers and the “secret” is from the English speaking majority of Americans. The perpetrators are relying in part on a language barrier for protection.

No. He won’t. Those are not the values for which his evangelical base supports him.

Apparently, “translators” and “bilingual” are unknown terms to the Administration.

Frankly, his evangelical base doesn’t have values either. They have facades.