America is Sterilizing ICE Detainees!? What-The-Actual-Fuck...?

Quote from George F. Baer from the early 20th Century:

These men don’t suffer. Why, hell, half of them don’t even speak English.

The sentiment is hardly new.

I hate to say it this way, but -

The building is already there, the equipment is already there, the people are already there and trained - the only actual cost is the medications/supplies used up …

Look - a hospital is just sitting there, staffed, drawing salaries. You can’t just send a call out to send someone to Home Depot with a pick up truck to pick up 4 nurses, a surgeon and a gas passer because someone shows up needing an emergency appendectomy.

It is expected that a certain number of procedures will end up being needed every day for the indigent - welfare people who have no insurance at all, and it is illegal to refuse to save someone’s life so it is a very small step to sliding in 2 or 3 tubals a week, it isn’t like they are lining all 1000 women in a center up and running them through, they are sort of sliding them in with the normal patients [or so it rather looked like to me]

Now yes, someone is billing ICE for the procedures, but they are not getting the $15 000 it cost for my DaVinci hysterectomy, they are getting a bottom of the line laparascopic procedure at best, at worst the old school bikini line slice and dice.

Maybe it’s true. Maybe it’s not. It is believable.

Stop and really think about that. Either we’re all insane or Trump is really so evil that the claim of forcible sterilization is credible. Isn’t the second possibility horrifying in and of itself?

They do love their neighbor.

Maybe they are billing $15,000. Many facilities have contracts with private health care providers who are probably delighted to perform profitable surgeries.

This is really triggering me. If proven true, forced sterilization of the families of those involved would not be excessive. In fact the death penalty for their entire family would not be too much but I know that won’t go over. This is monstrous behaviour and needs to be treated as such.

Of course it would be excessive. It would be as monstrous as the behavior we’re complaining of.

Their family members may have no idea what they’re up to, and are highly unlikely to have any control over it.

It’s the people committing* the monstrous behavior, and the people actively encouraging it, who are to blame. Happening to be related to somebody who’s doing so has nothing to do with it.


*this particular monstrous behavior may not be proven – I haven’t rechecked the news since it first came out. But I agree that the situation is such that the accusation must be taken seriously.

The concept of punishing innocents for the acts of their families or acquaintances is some dystopian North Korean bullshit. I can’t wrap my head around the concept that anybody would think this is a good idea.

Right. It doesn’t sound like an ICE policy, or even anything related to the government, except that they’re paying this LaSalle Corrections company to run the Irwin County Detention Center.

It sounds more like some shady OB-GYN in the community has figured out that hysterectomies are more profitable than the other stuff he’s contracted to do for ICDC, and is performing more than he should, because the ICE detainees have no recourse.

That’s godawful, but it’s not at the government’s behest either.

Trump is the government. This seems like something he would want (or encourage in a wink, wink fashion). If not him directly, one of his minions.

OK, it looks like it was this one doctor doing this horrific thing. It’s not quite as bad as being an ICE directive or something like that. Still, it’s truly awful, almost as awful as losing all those kids (and that can be laid right at the feet of the CDC).

That doctor deserves to be stripped of any assets and spend the rest of his life in jail. The people overseeing the contract should spend time in jail as well, and the affected women should be paid large sums and given citizenship or at least permanent residency, plus psychiatric help. The head of ICE should resign, and those private contracts should be moved back under public control immediately.

The last forced sterilization was performed in Oregon in 1981. It was a common practice in the old sanitarium system with the “feeble-minded” to keep them from procreating and also helping staff avoid rape charges all the way up to the 1970’s.

Sure, but there’s no proof so far that he, or his minions had anything to do with this.

Fine. I retract the forced sterilization. Instead I propose his family be prohibited from reproducing. His family line gets to live but it ends this generation.

Almost 9,000 children were just dumped over the border. Nothing is beyond Trump, either by direct action or the attitude he encourages.
By the logic he employs; His administration, his fault.

I’d be willing to bet that Trump has not the slightest fucking clue what’s going on in ‘his government’ at any level beyond his Booger Hook.

To him, it’s all ‘Fake News’.

Here’s a concept that’s alien to Republicans: Responsibility. Even if it’s just one doctor doing this, without orders, it’s still the responsibility of the director of that facility. And the responsibility of the head of ICE. And Trump’s responsibility. And the responsibility of a lot of people in between. Because even if they didn’t know this was happening, they should have, because it’s their job to know about things like this, and their job to stop them.

So… to punish people for forcibly sterilizing people you’re going to forcibly sterilize completely innocent members of the offenders family? WTF?

Again - WTF? You’re in favor of killing people who just happen to be relatives of criminals? WHAT THE FUCK?

Truly, I find your stance abhorrent. If you found out your father was guilty of a crime you had absolutely nothing to do with would YOU be OK with being sterilized and/or executed for someone else’s crimes?

Again - WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? How the hell can you justify punishing the innocent for the crimes of ONE family member? You do understand that a person’s family is NOT an extension of that person, that the individual members are separate people who may be completely unaware of what the guilty party is doing?

Say the Bad Guy has a two year old child. You’re proposing 1) sterilizing the toddler and 2) killing the toddler because said toddler’s parent did something wrong 3) again, sterilizing the toddler because, honestly, “prohibited from reproducing” amounts to the same thing.

Holy crap, I am gobsmacked.

Except for setting up a system in which people applying for asylum are in effect forced into a for-profit prison system, and are encouraged to be seen not as desperate humans seeking help but as rapists and grifters.

That looks to me very much like having something to do with it.


Oh, yeah: and agreeing with Broomstick.

Pelosi is now calling for an investigation of the allegations of the whistle-blower.