America needs a Conservative Party. Discuss.

New York State is way ahead of you: we have a Conservative party, but their manifesto doesn’t really seem to match much of yours, especially on social issues.

Sorry, Paul, but you’re a Libertarian. Deal.

To be fair, I’d say he’s a libertarian (small “l”). The actual Libertarian Party can be pretty whacky. But they do get .3% (3/10 of 1 percent) of the vote in presidential elections! :slight_smile:

In effectiveness, one hopes. :slight_smile:

Excuse me? Would you care to elaborate on that point? There is certainly overcrowding in urban areas. Open spaces in New Mexico don’t really count.

That would require changing a lot more than the party’s name, or anything at all about the party itself. (See post #26.)

Good Morning all, why am I up so early? It is the weekend here.

You are all right. I am a fairly doctrinaire Libertarian. Perhaps we should give up on the LP and instead work on bringing the Republicans back where they ought to be.

As for overcrowding, it does not exist in any important way. Picture if you will the most gruesome example of overcrowding. See it in your mind’s eye? OK, I bet you it is a poor place.

Poverty is the problem, not overpopulation. Picture again the worse-case overcrowding scenario. OK, now imagine if we raise their wealth to that of (say) the American GDP. See how much nicer it is?

Manhattan is ‘overcrowded’ but people like to live their because they are rich enough that overcrowding does not matter much to them. If we could make Bangladeshis rich, their overpopulation problem becomes a nonissue.

I’m afraid that this misrepresents the problem to some degree. I live on Miami Beach. Our real estate prices have been soaring because “afforable housing” has become $1100 a month studio apartments, $500K+ condominiums, and million dollar homes. If you don’t believe those number, pick up a copy of the Miami Herald.

Manhattan is overcroweded because it’s a major business centre, entertainment mecca, and airport/seaport. The demand for workers exceeds the avilable housing. The most crowded places in Miami (twin city to Miami Beach, and a five minute drive away) are the places where the working stiffs live, not “the poor”. Florida is becoming becoming unlivable for the middle class, and that problem isn’t confined to Florida alone.

I agree with the people that say you passed way over to the Libertarian line in the last few amendments. You can just sign up now if that is what you like. I am actually a registered Libertarian but I will be the first to tell you that we are a bunch of nut jobs. Some of the stuff they focus on like open borders makes me blush.

A real libertarian party with a more practical focus would be a great idea IMHO. Even still, that probably wouldn’t attract enough people.

Your original statements would be workable though if they got a critical mass. It would attract crossover from Democrats and Republicans. It would especially attractive to males but not exclusively especially in the South and Midwest. You are going to have to temper that inclusion stuff down though. Many of the qualities of your parties don’t map well to real people.

If you want everything you have listed so far, you are just talking about a revamped libertarian party. You can create a conservative party but much of the controversial social stuff has to go. You can’t have it all champ.

In truth I am a Libertarian, registered in the non-tax state of Nevada. (The have all sorts of looney parties in Nevada!)

The only hope the LP has is to attract enough votes that one of the big parties will steal our ideas. Then we win.

As for Miami, no problem, triple the income of the middle class. Tough? Sure. Getting rid of the people? Much, much tougher.

Paul, you would like the Guns ‘n’ Dope Party founded by Robert Anton Wilson.

Yes, thats a more concise way of expresssing it.

PiS was trying to redefine the conservative label as libertarian and so needed reminding what conservative actually is. Conservativism opposes change. Der.

If you look at this world values survey graphic (link below), you can see that the more conservative nations are the ones that over time have not moved far from the bottom right of the chart, where the emphasis is on traditional values and survival.

Inglehart Values Map.

Click on ‘Some findings’ and then click on the third chart from the top. This shows that as nations develop towards a more civil society over time, they move toward the top right of the chart.
The two dimensions of the chart are:

  1. Traditional/Secular-rational values - measure of importance of religion, and
  2. Survival/Self-expression values - linked to transition from industrial society to post-industrial societies.

So since we are into pigeon-holeing, I am pointing out that conservatism prevents progress toward a more civil society, which is the last thing the USA needs.

No Conservatives are not opposed to change per se. Conservatives are for the preparation of what we see as the good things in the world. We are not interested in Stasis. We want the world to be a better place.

Silly Spool Chocker!

Unlike other political ideologues, who are openly dedicated to making the world a worse place?

Look, Paul, the word “conservative” obviously has meant more than one thing in America political discourse, but the following sums up pretty much what most people understand it to mean, at least WRT the the modern conservative movement that got its start with Goldwater’s presidential campaign in 1964 (something radically different from what it meant before then in the U.S. and what it still means in Europe). From The Right Nation: Conservative Power in America, by John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge (New York: The Penguin Press, 2004):

Now, in those terms, Paul, do you still consider yourself a “conservative,” or do you think you (and your projected new party) require a different label? (For the life of me, I still can’t fathom what distinguishes your stated politics from big-L Libertarianism.)

We got that one in Canada when Trudeau was in power.

I cry “uncle!” the assembled multitude has put me back in my place. I am a Libertarian.