Currently, the UN is a tool of the United States. Through its veto power, economic blackmail, and bribes, it effectively manipulates the world body for its own benefit. At its whim, the US either uses the UN to legitimize its actions or, when world opinion goes against it, they are ignored without major repurcussions. It is the nation most intolerant of opposing viewpoints, casting 150 solitary vetoes since its inception. By many accounts, the US is a rogue state, however it is a rogue state that cannot be sanctioned, or blockaded since it controls the legistative bodies that would make these decisions.
Not that any country, or coalition of countries, could even enforce any action against the United States against its will. The UN’s ability to project force is solely dependant on the US. In fact, the total combined military strength of every potential adversary of the United States; Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Libya, Syria, Sudan, Cuba, hell-even France - would not be half as large as the US military(1). Most countries’ entire naval capacities could not match the firepower of one nuclear-powered Aircraft carrier group - America has 12 of these.
Not to mention, through superior technology, commanding officers can see an entire battlefield on an LCD screen in realtime through GPS and fiberoptics. US satellite technologies can inform all troops of their allies and enemies exact position. Other technologies effectively blind the enemy to such information. The proposed missile defense system could eliminate the threat of ICBM’s, and some advocated orbiting weapon systems could strike targets on Earth - from space!
Furthermore, affording such dominance is surprisingly cheap for the Economically Predominant. The Dollar, the global currency, benefits the US enormously. By having control over interest rates, the global economy can be manipulated to further domestic aims. The US has disemboweled entire countries for its own gain. When Argentina went bankrupt, it underwent ‘capital flight’, $130 billion left the country, most of it into US banks. Through the WTO, IMF, and World Bank (which are some of the most secretive and undemocratic institutions), the US pries open foreign economies while conceding almost nothing of its own. In Ghana for example, the WTO allowed the US to dump food at below production cost, forcing local farmers out of business and becoming dependant on US farmers. The WTO and IMF have encouraged indebted countries to export their way out. This leads to oversupply, there are no mechanisms to balance supply and demand. The US beneficts from price stability, and the effects are felt in the producer countries. Basically, America has engineered a global economy which always ends up benefitting the American economy.
I would argue that even hyperpower (that awful word) is not adequate to describe US influence. The US is simply the world. You can find a Mcdonald’s in Islam’s holy city, Mecca. the Dollar is accepted in remote Iranian villages. Billboards of Ms. Spears appear in Paraguay. Cities worldwide are losing their cultural ‘feel’ and become bland americanized cities with buildings that might as well be from Minneapolis, or Houston, the so-called ‘international’ style.
One area of predominance feeds another area of predominance feeds another area of predominance. American economic leverage increases technological knowledge increases military strength increases political clout increases economic leverage ad infinitum. I would say the only vulnerable point is the unpredictable economy, however the authorities have tight controls to make sure it keeps chugging along, and we’ve been a commercial society since birth (coincidence that Smith’s Wealth of Nations was published on our birthday?). We know how to play the economic game and we’re going to keep playing it. The highly educated workforce of our 300 million citizens are motivated to keep earning and consuming, and they’re not going anywhere.
American has the power to define what progress mean, and it means to become more like America. If a society is not becoming more like america, it is “backwards”. As Ziauddin Sardar noted(2), Old Powers used to colonize other parts of the world, but America has colonized the future.
Or, as Oswald Spengler said, “America may well endure for all time.”(3)
Well, seems as though I composed a mini research paper for you guys. Feel free to try and prove that America is on the verge of certain collapse. Or, if American predominance is either good or bad for the world. For those who care I made some references.
1 - Davies, Merryl Wyn; Sardar, Ziauddin. “Why do People Hate America?”
2 - Sardar, Ziauddin. “Western Colonization of the Future”.
3 - Spengler, Oswald. “When Immortality is Not Enough”.