That seems to be the message of Harry Turtledove’s latest book. Altough I’m given to understand there’s some plot to it. I’ll go over it for you non-Alternate Historians.
This is a Book that takes place in post-WWI North America. Twice in the Past 50 years, the Confederate States had humiliated the USA, but with the coming of WWI, the USA finally had it’s revenge. The CSA was broken. Swaths of it’s territory (But not enough, IMHO) went to the United States. Almost all of Canada south of the Treeline (save Quebec, which became independant) is under American occupation. Whether it’ll be annexed in the future seems up in the air.
Britain is stripped of some of it’s territory, but not all. It’s Navy seems to be relatively intact. France and the CSA slide into a depression fairly quickly, with extremist groups popping up faster than you can say “Timothy McViegh!”.
Now, onto the actual book.
**CSA **
The Confederates are squeezed until they pop. It gets to the point where “Billion dollar bills” are in circulation, inflation is so bad. Two main extremist groups pop up, the Redemption League (Located primarily west of the Mississippi)and the Freedom Party (led by the redoutable Jake Featherson). Both groups resort to anti-black violence, donning white shirts and Khakl pants to go head bashing. As times get worst, they only grow in popularity, with Featherson nearly winning the 1922 Presidential election.
Unfortuantly for the Freedom Party and the Redemption league, 2 things happen.
A member of the Freedom Party assainates the President of the CSA, thus alienating them from the genral public, and
A Socialist President takes office in the United States. Reperations claims are withdrawn very quickly, and the Confederate economy improves almost overnight.
The book closes with Featherson promising to “Put paid to every Son of a Bitch who corssed me”
** USA**
The United States is riding top of the world. The CSA is beaten, Canada, for all intents and purposes, is an American Satillite, and The American Military is number one.
General Custer, the great “Hero” of the war, is sent to Canada to be the military governor. Colonel Morell is given command of the so-called “Barrel Works”. He gets to work designing a newer, better barrel. One that could match any the Confederates my secretly be devolping. Sam Carsten is transfered to the USS * Rememberance*, the first ship of it’s kind. A ship that can carry great fistfulls of aeroplanes.
But all is not what it seems. The Socialists beat out Teddy Roosevelt for the presidency, and Upton Sinclair becomes the first Socialist President. The Socialists overnight slash military spending. The Navy, the most powerful afloat, is tied to dock. The Barrel Works are deactivated. Reperations claims are withdrawn. A Canadian Nationalist tried to Assainate Custer, by throwing a bomb at him (Custer deftly catches the bomb and throws it back. Still makes me giggle).
** The Teeming Millions **
Most other nations are more or less are in the background. Great wars erupt all throughout South America, and former Confederate soldiers flock there. The Confederate government secretly tests new weapons in a uprising in Mexico.
Japan builds it’s navy, and makes threatening overtures toward British Pacific colonies (or lack thereof). A great and bloody Civil war is occuring in Russia, and at the close of 1923, it is not yet clear if the communists will win.
All in all I give the book a “B”. I don’t think it was as good as some of Harry Turtledove’s other books, tough.