American Idol 3/21 - the 1950s

Very different from Johnny Cash’s version (which I love), but a great adaptation by Chris. Great job all around.

The AI band just puked all over one of my favorite songs. Where’s the driving base? Where’s the rhythm? Where’s the blues?

Why don’t I hear the goat sounds from Chris like I did from Carmen? Is it because I don’t so much listen to him as just stare that the television while I hate and envy his lovely wife? Is this what Jimmy Carter meant when he said he lusted in his heart?

I don’t like her dress, but I like her singing…

I liked Katherine’s singing, but not her dress.

Fabulous vocal job, and she’s very attractive, but there was something odd about how she was moving around on stage. It was like her moves were choreographed, but not in a way that was natural for her.

Kat went all Constantinesque tonight, and I threw up in my mouth a little. I really like her singing - she’s technically the best one of the bunch, I think - but she is so hyper-aware of the camera at all times, and it drives me nuts. Prancing around, making come-hither faces, trying to do that THING that Gwen Stefani does with her eyes - it’s all too much. Trenyce and LaToya London were able to steam up the joint well enough without taking their panties off, you know? Kat’s so pretty and so talented, and she’s waaaaaaaay better than that.

So, yeah, I still don’t have the McPheever. (Yes, I know I’m an old fart.)

Katharine has really convinced me she’s the best singer. But it’s not a talent competition, so I’m not sure she’ll win.

So does anyone know the three Simon predicted would be the last three standing?

And Taylor still scares me. … For a moment I thought he would do Mandy…

Ooooh, you envy his wife too? I looked at his arms and neck in that black button down shirt and thought-- “She gets that to wrap around her every night! Lucky bitch!”
I did not like Katherine’s interpretation of that song at all. It wasn’t sung badly but just not. . . good.
Today is contrary day for me. What everyone else says, I say the opposite. Except for Mrs. Chris envy.

Disappointing performance by Taylor. It was okay, but I expected something more energetic.

You’re going to regret that once we say how much Ace sucked.

Taylor should never, ever, ever wear silver ever again.
Plus, he’s boring me. How is that possible? All the jumping into the audience will not help that boring song selection.
But dayum, he’s fun to watch.

C’mon Simon, just smack Paula. You know you want to. We want you to.

It’s terrible, I know. I love my husband just to pieces, but … he just doesn’t look like Chris, is all. He’s perfectly attractive and lovely and wonderful and he does dishes and cooks occasionally and he leaves me alone while “Idol” and “The Amazing Race” are on, but … he’s just not a rock star, I guess. And I’d be lying if I said I’d never leave him for a lead singer or, ideally, a drummer. I am such a bad person. I’m going to have to get him a really expensive anniversary gift now. Or make a meatloaf. Or have a baby.

rockle got it. Live did I Walk the Line on the Good Rockin’ Tonight album, and three-fourths of what Chris did sounded just the same.

Has he cheated before? Not that I’m saying he’s cheating, just that his “new” version sounded a lot like Live’s version.

My son, Zoltarb wanted you all to know that he has a problem with Lisa’s inability to wear pants that go all the way down.

Lisa is a great singer but she bores the hell out of me. Her outfit is dreadful.

Safe song choice by Lisa.

Not the best for Lisa, though… but I don’t want her to leave today, I want Ace and Kevin to leave… please, I hope they leave…

Joltarb also says that Lisa is singing as if she’s tired of being on TV.

I’m afraid that tonights very good but lackluster performance may be the end for Lisa considering last week’s bottom three position.
We still have Cutie McButton and Ace to go.