American Idol 4/22 and 4/23

Randy nailed it. She had no idea what the song was about and she had no emotion or conviction about it. She totally didn’t get it. She sang it like a Norah Jones song.

At least she’s thrown and upset enough to keep her mouth shut (mostly anyway) during the judging. I hate that she pointed out that it’s the “first time” she’s forgotten a lyric on the show. So what? There are 4 people sharing a stage with you who have NEVER done that. No brownie points for you.


Just kidding, Liberal.

I missed Syesha, but wow, two stinkers in a row. That was painful.

And WTF with Paula’s “you must never stop and start”? I mean, sure, don’t do it intentionally, but she had a little false start before and I agree that it’s better to correct yourself and start strong than mumble nonsense until you find your footing. That seemed unnecessarily harsh.

Oh, and Liberal, I like David A.! I understand - and agree with some of you - that he’s not the most exciting of performers a la Melinda, but his voice and control are arugably the best of this competition. I just like David Cook more. :smiley: As far as talent goes, they are the top two. As far as who will benefit from winning more - David A. for sure. As others have said, David C. winning may not be the best thing for him. But that does’t stop me from rooting for them both.

I luv Jason but I wouldn’t be surprised if he got sent home this week. Yipes.

Wow, ALW is totally winning me over. He’s a gentleman but not a toadie. His advice is solid. Class act.

AL Webber: “This song was written for a diva…a girl…I couldn’t imagine a boy singing it.”

Mr. Webber, meet David Archaletta.

He sounded like he always does.

I wonder- if they win the competition, are they obligated to accept the $1 million contract? I understand it’s very restrictive.

I like Webber. I don’t want to. He created Cats, for God’s sake.

I dunno how I feel about David’s rendition of “Think of Me.” I’m just so used to hearing it sung a certain way that it really throws me hearing him sing it like that.

All of David A’s performances are the same to me, and there hasn’t been one I would choose to ever hear again. They aren’t bad, but they’re boring to me.

I never thought Weber was that hard. Archeleta was bad too.

He’s a composer, not a performer, so he doesn’t have the same kind of ego, he’s accustomed to hearing other people interpret his songs and he’s spent millenia coaching them how to do it.

Wait, didn’t David A. flub the lyrics? He was apologizing at the end but the judges seemed to miss it entirely.

Either that or I don’t know the song that well…

I thought he did too, but I haven’t listened to that song for long I thought I was mistaken.

Jason must be thanking Brooke right now. What sucks is that I loved his version of “Memory” and will probably download it ASAP.

Some trivia: When A.L. Webber, the richest composer in history (he’s a billionaire by some estimates) divorced diva Sarah Brightman he gave her a divorce settlement estimated at around $10 million-$20 million USD (not counting the trusts for their children). She has never touched it, vowing not to unless she ever reaches a point where she can’t make a living with her voice. It’s not animosity at all for it was a very friendly divorce and they’ve worked together professionally several times since they split.

Other trivia: I always thought ALW looked a lot like Napoleon.

Sampiro – as I understand it, yes, the top two must accept AI contracts. I don’t have a cite. However, a combination of hearsay and common sense tell me the producers aren’t stupid enough to let the winner walk or have to negotiate with them for a contract.

Webber is kinda a cool person! Whodda thunk?

I suppose I should be glad Carly is wearing sleeves, but the pattern looks like my living room carpet.

Also, David A. is taking a big dump all over the melody of “Think of Me.” (I’m slightly timeshifted, so I’m about 5 minutes behind the show)

Kind of complicated by the fact that she’s quite famous for singing his songs (Phantom made her famous). Still interesting, though.

Carly’s going to shit all over “Jesus Christ Superstar.”

I always find her performances obnoxious and self-satisfied. This is no different. She’s doing that thing where she closes her eyes and squeezes the microphone that she always does. She really thinks she’s incredible, doesn’t she.

You could see that performance at any local theater production of JCS.