American Idol - Feb 19, 20, 21 (Open Spoilers)

Don’t like EmoMan at all. Don’t like his voice, don’t like his hair, don’t like the stand-grabbing. He’ll be around for a while.

But didja like his eyefucking the camera, BG?

That’s the part that really made me swoon. :wink:

I actually loved David Cook’s “Happy Together.” He did that thing where he updated an old song, and pwned it. I liked the way it started, even.

I’m still laughing at Randy saying he should be in Alice in Chains, though. Since when was “Happy Together” about smack?

Yeah, his singing was not notable either way, but his reactions to the comments put him on my no list.

That’s what they meant, Chikezie! So doesn’t your whining about it being 60s night look lame now?

That wasn’t pwnage. That was emotage.

P.S., I thing Frosted Tips sounded terrible.

This might be the most mayonnaise performance I’ve ever seen on AI and that’s saying something. They’re really rounding off all the corners this season, aren’t they.

Mayonnaise? That was Miracle Whip, baby.

Moon River? Who in great fucking hell thought that was a good idea?

O.K., I really didn’t like Frosty’s vocal but I like his attitude.

Just checking out the profiles of the contestants…I call foul!

The girls are way better eye candy than the boys. We’ve got tons of weird hair, questionable chinwhisker choices, just lots of oddness. There’s maybe three guys who’s look doesn’t make me want to slap them and/or give them a makeover, bah.

Pretty and mellow moon river, but sadly, the most I’ll remember about him is the reverse skunk thing.

I hope that Bret Michaels looking dude whips his dick out or something. Somebody really needs to put some life into this season.

Yeah, Jason Yeager is the living amalgam of every frat boy I’ve ever met. He’s like a fraternigolem. And then he comes out with Moon fucking River. It’s so awful my head is exploding, and not just because of the massive sinus headache.

Why choose a song who’s One high note you’re afraid to hit?

Why choose to forego basic grooming? :confused:

I think Rocker Guy’s voice is better than he’s showed tonight. But it was nice.

That’s disappointing. They buid him up as an authentic “rocker” then they make him come out here and do this castrated 3 Dog Night song? They should have let him do some Stone Temple Pilots or something.

He sounded fine, but I hope they don’t keep cutting his nuts off like this.

OK, seriously? What does Paula mean by “authentic”? I so see how this guy fit in a boy band. He is the new Constantine of pseudo-rock.

DTC, there’s a theme tonight of 60s, so they don’t have much to choose from.

That having been said, Robbie’s voice did not fit that song at all. It wasn’t awful (except the first note, which made me cringe) but I’m not a huge fan.

Was this the “Homecoming Queen?”

Ok, I missed the beginning and they usually haven’t done themes this early.

Damn, little kid boy showed them all how it’s done. I’m mightily impressed.