American Idol Mar 20/21

Hayle should have listened to Lulu’s advice about the sticatto thing.

This old fogey will enjoy hearing these old songs. Which came out mostly before I was born and I still enjoy them.

I won’t be a good judge of the singing because I really like these songs. I’m a top forty freak.

Haley was mediocre but I like the hooker shorts.

Hmmm, Lulu is useful. She stopped Haley from Celine-izing that song. IMHO, Lulu delivered it better than Haley, but apparently all is forgetten if you flash your legs and bounce. Personally, I hate the look of 2 inch heels and shorts. Gah.

Hooker-style or no, I want those shorts. That, and the ability to get away with no bra or stick-on bra only. I miss being…twelve. And while that song was perfect for her, can she please stop singing through her nose?

You sound like Simon. What was it he said? “Nobody is going to be talking about your singing tomorrow”?

She was singing?

I didn’t think Haley was spectacular but she did just enough to not get hammered by the judges, which must be a nice change for her.

I dig that girl; quite attractive.

Yeah, me too. Although I like to think about it as “Editorial Approval”: when I have kids, they’ll need me to give them money to buy records*, and I’m not shelling out cash for stuff I don’t like, or at least approve of.

** = Yeah, yeah, I know. By the time I have kids, nobody will buy records any more, and we’ll all take our personal spaceships for our vacations the Moon. Whatever. I’m old, leave me alone!*

Anyway … Haley was OK. Not spectacular, but she looked cute. Lulu was right on about the staccato business, though.

Oh! This is the best Chris has sounded so far. Good on him. This arrangement is neither horrid, nor tragically unhip, I don’t think. And he really kind of does sound like Jason Mraz, whom I adore. Yay Chris R.!

Jesus, can anyone be more nasal than Chris R? I can’t stand it!

This kid really sucks. Sqweeky little voice.

Chris R.

Nasal McNasalnose all up in the schnhozz again.

I don’t understand why this guy gets votes, but I’m not a 14-year-old girl.

Why are they lying about R? He sucked. They must really want to get rid of Sanjaya so they don’t want anybody to draw fire away from him.

Saw Jerry and the Pacemakers on PBS Sat. night. He was really old and still buried that kid.

Chris R. looked cute, and sang on-key, but when those are your best selling points, you’re probably going home soon.

That was the only Chris R. vocal that I ever enjoyed. He did a nice job with it. (It probably helps that I’ve always really liked that song.)

But I think that it also displayed that, without all of the performance around it, his voice is really quite limited.

Well, neither am I, and I think I may vote for him. This song is pretty whiny to begin with, I think. I agreed with Randy: that was a good arrangement, not to tricksy or melismatic (is that a word?). Good control over his instrument. While Sligh and Blake try to out-bell-and-whistle each other, Chris R. can just be cute and charming and straight-ahead talent. Or, at least, not Sanjaya – the relative merits about which enough cannot be said.

Huh. On preview – perhaps all the stress from my furnace problems has suddenly made me deaf … ?

Boy, what tough, hard-hitting questions they’re getting from these letters. “What is the hardest part of getting ready for the show?” Whoa, slow down there, Bill O’Reilly.

What’s the topic today?

Hmmm…I didn’t think Chris R was bad, and I do NOT like that song.

And it really seems like the guests are being helpful; I’m impressed.

And I’m squeeing over Stephanie’s song choice. (That officially means I’m old, I know.) Bah, too bad she didn’t nail it.

The dress doesn’t seem to go with the song… I do like the voice.