American view of British involvement?

Reading the US coverage of the News, particularly with regard to the impending War in Iraq, I was wondering how Americans, in general, view Britain’s involvement. In many cases, it seems you wouldn’t think GB were involved at all, (by which, it’s frequently portrayed as a US / Iraq argument) when in fact it’s dominating our news over here…

So is it:

A) We’re massively grateful for the support

B) Well thanks, but we can do this ourselves, you know…

C) Rather like a fly buzzing about… shoo!

D) The Brits are involved? Really??

E) Kinda like when I go grocery shopping with my 2 year-old daughter. It’s sweet she wants to “help”, but I’d get the job done a lot quicker and easier if she was back at home.

F) Other (please specify)…

G) The Brits deserve our thanks for providing essential diplomatic cover for the phrase “alliance of the willing.”

It is not possible to describe the general view of 280 million people in a message board post.


But you could give an idea of how YOU see it? Huh?:rolleyes:

I suppose I could, but then you wouldn’t be asking a Factual Question, you would be making an Opinion Poll.

I didn’t mean to sound obnoxious, I’m just really tired of people who think the socio-political attitudes of enourmous and diverse populations of people can be adequately quantified in anything but the most superficial of ways.

A, as far as I can tell.

Tony Blair gets pretty big coverage over here. It almost looks like he’s going out on a limb for us.
Australia seems to be another country thats in pretty big favor of the war too but doesn’t seem to get much attention.

I’m sitting here listening to talk radio and the host has gone on for several minutes about how great Tony Blair is, how he’s stuck his neck out, etc.
From my observations, in a very conservative part of the country, people seem pretty grateful for UK support. Even the Australians have been getting more coverage on the news in the past week.

I’d say A).

I think your PM has 6’ (2m) solid brass gold plated balls.

A few years ago, we named one of our Navy’s ships for Winston Churchill…

I don’t believe that ANY international relationship could be better appreciated than that between the UK and the US.

I’d have to say that views on this would closely match the even split of the 2000 election. Those who support Bush are grateful for the support, while those who supported Gore view Blair as Bush’s poodle. Unfortunately I could not find a poll that asked this question so all I can offer is my impression. BTW I am personally very grateful for Blair’s support in the face of what I understand to be huge opposition in his own party.

Hammerbach I second that.:wink:

IMO, TB is a ballsy, articulate, loyal friend. I like him more than Bush, truth be told, because when you hear him speak it seems he “gets” the deeper need for war than our prez does. FYI, the trouble he is enduring over his pro-USA stance has gotten substantial news coverage here. I, for one, am rooting for him, not so much because I agree with his position (I do) but because he seems like he’s really gone out on a limb for us.

We Americans have an unseemly habit of lumping the European nations together in our minds. But the UK’s unwavering support from the get-go of this crisis has set them above the rest. It certainly has made a very positive impression on me.

Hmmm…well, I supported Nader, am strongly opposed to the war, and do not agree with Blair’s conclusions, but I answer A.

I have profound admiration for Blair on a personal level – he’s risked his hide to support the US, got bitten in the back by Rumsfeld last week for his efforts, faces incredible opposition at home, yet still he continues to voice what he believes in his conscience (as he’s said) to be true. (And he does this without dragging God into the mix and brazenly claiming to be acting on His behalf.)

Would that all our leaders had such courage and strength.

(A) definitively.

B) Essentially, useful but not crucial. No hard feelings.

The General Questions forum is for questions with factual answers. Since you’re looking for opinions, I’ll move this thread to IMHO.

moderator GQ

I’m against the war, but since it looks inevitable at this point, Id have to answer A for my personal feelings.


I think Tony Blair is an excellent ally to the US. I still remember his undying support for us after September 11th and that stays with me to this day.

I truly appreciate the British and I hope Tony Blair successfully navigates through all the crap his parliament is throwing at him.

And we’re all anxiously awaiting the christening of the HMS George Washington… :wink:

Mostly A), with H) You’re evil white imperialists too and I) You’re under the sway of the sinister World Jew Conspriacy, coming from the antiwar left and right, respectively.

We definitely are grateful that the UK is with us.

As a sidenote, I always wondered why the British were so successful at so many things…example: they pretty much held the Germans at bay before we Americans entered WWII…until I visited England and got to know some British. It is all about CHARACTER…which they have in abundance, Horray for the UK!