An anti-peace sign?

Pardon me for posting, but I was wondering…can anyone offer any suggestions for a good symbol to use as a anti-peace sign? The only ones I could think of using would be the “atom” symbol, or the Klingon insignia. I’m not a militant or anything, I just feel like being contrary when chosing a bumper sticker.
Thanks for your time,

Put your hand in the classic peace sign configuration.

Turn your hand 180 degrees.

Bend your index finger back toward you.

There it is. Classic anti-peace symbol. Try it on your boss, or the next cop you see. I’m sure that either one will accept your explanation that you’re simply testing your new symbol.

Glad to be of help.

War? - might get you mistaken for a neo-nazi if you use two of them

War Gods

Here lives a bad-tempered man, or oddly, different but using the same system; Here lives a man with a bad temper

There’s also the Anarchy symbol.

I recall a symbol from the late sixties/early seventies that resembled the peace symbol, but the part inside the circle was actually the silhouette of a B-52. Don’t have a clue where to find one now, though.

These days, an elephant works fine for some folks. :stuck_out_tongue:


An elepahnt? whaa?

Id have to say a swastika. Yes, it was originally a sign of the sun, used in mythology, etc. But we all know what it really means when we see it.

What about a peace sign with a read circle around it and a slash through it like the no smoking and other such signs have?

Who wants an anti peace sign anyway? Are they sick?

I’d have to second the Anarchy symbol. It is sometimes synonymous with chaos, which is an antonym of peace. I usually see the symbol as bleach’s link, but with the crossbar and legs extended beyond the circle a bit like this. In fact, drawing it like that enhances the anarchy meaning even further by showing that the circle cannot confine the “A”.

I would, to piss off the hippies.

Irony or what?

I assume your looking more to reject the common usage of the peace symbol, than to actually stand for war or anarchy.

Wouldn’t it be better to ignore peace and put something you like on the bumper? Try the ancient hebrew saying " ‘dog’ ‘donkey’ ‘shovel’, ‘fish’, ‘star of david’. "

I got P.J. O’Rourke to autograph one of his books for me. I told him I was a Navy veteran, so he drew a peace sign with a circle and slash, followed by the words, “Peace Kills.”

Hilarious, and true. :smiley: