An apology for my insensitivity re: WTC jokes.

Last week there were some tasteless WTC jokes posted on this board. In the midst of comments condemning the jokes, I posted that I thought one of them was funny. I apologize.

While I haven’t been affected as personally and as traumatically as people closer to the attack sites, I have and continue to be very much affected.

I work just 2 blocks from the white house, live 1/2 mile away from a naval air base (planes constantly fly very low overhead) and live within the 1 mile “ground zero” of a nuclear power plant. I feel very exposed and unsafe. I keep thinking (rationally or not) that the next escalation point is for a terrorist to bomb a nuclear power plant. With the relatively low density of population in the area surrounding this plant, it could be threatening enough to the gov’t, without a complete devastation of the country, to serve as a target.

It is my misfortune to be a person who responds to tragedy by attempting to be witty and in having a dark sense of humour. I apologize to anyone I’ve offended.

I’ll be going back into lurk mode for awhile. No responses are necessary.

You were offensive? Hadn’t noticed, but I’m another graveyard whistler. We all have our ways to deal with these things and other people generally don’t understand.

Don’t lose sleep over it. There’s plenty of other things to lose sleep over. But thanks for apologizing.

just to help ease your mind a bit, those nuclear reactor buildings are designed to take a direst hit from a fully loaded 747 without getting to the core.