I’m bringing this to the Pit primarily because I think this is where the leaders are, but secondarily because it might likely be welcome nowhere else. Because it is the Pit, I suppose I’ll have to do this in the form of a rant or complaint with lots of cursing. Whatever it takes to make this happen, within both reason and my abilities, I am willing to do.
It all started here:
Like Jesus said, “Talk is cheap.” You’ll be “right on board”? Well, where the hell are you? I don’t see your name on the list, pal. And don’t pretend you haven’t seen anything about this.
I made a fucking database. I put it on our own fucking site, with a fucking ASP page that reads the data and displays it. I don’t see a Jack fucking Batty.
Someone’s spewing hatred against gays? Now, who among these Dopers might be most inclined to fight such a nutwad with an absolute vengeance? Lesseee… Esprix? No, no, wait a minute, lessee … Esprix? No, no, I’m trying to think of who’s the guy with the Ask the Gay Guy MCMXLII thread, lessee… Exprix? No, dammit!
Oh! I know who I’m trying to think of … it’s ESPRIX!
There’ve been nearly 2 dozen offers of specific help, including fifteen fucking hundred dollars in fucking CASH! What the fuck does it take to motivate you to do more than just meander in and out of the thread one day? A couple of posts begging you to rise to the occasion? Nope, that didn’t do it. An e-mail? Nope, that didn’t do it. This thread? Who knows, we’ll see.
People, we’ve got people who have offered time, money, legal advice, programming skills, domains, hosting, bank accounts, and more.
The page is beginning to sink to the bottom of MPSIMS and on to page 2. There have been 1,654 views of that thread with only 85 responses. The Phelps Watch page itself has had only 61 hits.
I don’t begrudge anyone who has said they don’t have time to organize this project. I don’t either. But I think it should be clear that I am willing to do what I can. Aside from building a database and ASP page, and entering the data myself, I’ve posted all over the place.
This is my last fucking hurrah. I’m probably already going to be toasted for scolding the ever popular Esprix, but guess what. I don’t give a fuck. That’s right. I think this cause is important, and if anyone wants to get so petty as to turn it into a fight over hurt feelings, then fuck you!
Our feelings don’t matter. What matters is that Fred Phelps is continuing to spew out his vile hate over the Internet and no fucking body cares enough to lead the charge.
If this appeal doesn’t get us a president, then I don’t want to hear any more fucking whining about fucking morons like Fred fucking Phelps and Jack fucking Chick.
Fuck anybody who whines. They’re just cheap talk. Nothing more.
If there is someone out there with the balls to take this on, then go to this thread and announce yourself. I’ll adjust the database accordingly.
Otherwise, may the laziness, hypocrisy, and just plain shame of people who talk shit but won’t do shit haunt them for the rest of their miserable fucking lives.