An atricle written about "Godwin's Law" in The Economist...

…but by another name. In an article called “Many a true word…,” they dubbed the famous debating tactic “The Fuhrer manoeuvre.” Which do YOU think is the better name?


To comment on this, I would need:

a) a link to the article (sorry, I travel and pick up the Economist in airports - haven’t done so lately)

b) a definition of Godwin’s Law

c) an explanation as to why it might be referred to as the Fuhrer’s maneuver.

Sorry if I am one of those pesky naive 'merkins, but this one’s over my head…

I love Godwin’s Law… the most striking thing about it is how true is usually is.

From The Jargon Dictionary:

It was originated for Usenet discussions, but also applies to bulletin board discussions and e-mail threads. Hopefully you can see why this would apply to the new title the Economist gave it. (Hitler = Nazi leader = fuehrer)

To answer Soup’s question, I think “The Fuehrer Maneuver” is certainly more descriptive, though more people know it as Godwin’s Law, I’m sure. For clarity’s sake, I suppose I prefer the former.

Who is “Godwin”?

Mr. Godot in disguise.