An easy computer fix?

My machine has decided to take on a mind of it’s own. Every time I try to do a de-frag the thing says “NO SIREE!!” and promptly freezes up.

I am ready to throw it into the yard and let the dogs chew on it for a while!!

I am thinking nothing short of a reformat might be in order.

It’s an older Gateway G6-333c and I DO like it although the celuron processor IS kinda slow. Plenty hard drive space and I know I need more memory.

I just want to do a defrag without a complete reformat…

Any help would be appreciated

Try running defrag under Safe Mode. I have had much better success that way.

If it refuses to defrag or even format, you may want to check the condition of your hard drive. Download a boot utility disk to run some tests on your hard drive. I recently had to replace one after it refused to format. Something to keep in mind if nothing else works.

If Windows, use the boot disk and run from it.

Which OS are we talking about here? (I’m guessing Win ME, as the disk-handling utilities in ME are rather poor).

Hold down <F8> while the system boots
Choose safe mode
Run Scandisk
Run Defrag

buy a new one!

You might want to look at this thread.

I check the HD with certain PC windows versions from the DOS prompt with:

It’s pretty fast.