If you could become an absolute master of any one musical instrument(the vocal chords do not count), which would you choose? Bass guitar? Pan flute? Piano? Bagpipe? Tuba? Mandolin? Ukulele? Theremin? What common(or uncommon) musical tool would you pick to play to perfection?
As a guitarist, I think my choice is clear. I would love, however, to be an excellent piano player. Man, if I could pump out some fine boogie woogie, I would be a very happy man.
An example from a master, Pete Johnson: - YouTube
Were I still young it would be the guitar, or maybe the sax. For overall practical purposes I guess the piano. I assume that would give me decent proficiency with other keyboard instruments as well.
12 string electric guitar. Saw Alex Lifeson of Rush do some amazing things on one.
I would like to master one the most complicated instruments ever created, the pipe organ.
Cello. Six weeks ago, on my 70th birthday, I began teaching myself cello. Obviously I’ll never be an “absolute master;” to be that would be way cool.
How about vocal cords? Do they count?
What if I’m already a master at a musical instrument?
There’s already a master of the pan flute, so not much point to that one.
I’d go with piano. You could walk in and take over anyplace with a piano in it.
Nope. Neither do Alex Cords or Cordon Bleu.
Not even *chicken *cordon blue? Philistine!
I woulda said piano, because who doesn’t like piano?
But I think it would be more impressive to see a fat middle-aged lady like me be the rockingist rock drummer that ever rocked. Like, Bonham-level of rockness, or Peart-level. You just don’t see that every day!
I also would not mind the upper body strength that came with it. And everybody’s always looking for a good drummer.
…Nah. Too easy.
Comb and tissue paper? That would be me.
Want to really challenge yourself? Master one you have to pump with your feet! :eek:
Zipper JJ, YouTube “Karen Carpenter drumming”; impressive.
No actually: a legit instrument.
Nah, Czarcasm isn’t interested in a little parlor organ. He wants one of the Big Boys, with at least four ranks of keyboards, 32-foot pipes, and a bellows powered either by electricity or a small ragamuffin.
Damnright! All the bells and whistlestops.
Just 32s? Pfft. Real organists play 64s.
(Granted most 64s are just capped 32s. But those babies rumble.)
My dad was a MASTER at piano and pipe organ. He could play the hell out of the organ and did so every sunday at church. The nuns told him he was to "peppy.
Me, I would love to be a master of the Banjo…Blue grass, New Grass, polyethnic cajun slamgrass…it all makes me smile. I would be called “Banjovie”