An interesting predicament

I’d mention it offhandedly- no sense getting involved legal or other forces involved without at least trying a simple request. And I agree- your neighbor probably thinks he’s being stealthy by smoking in the bathroom. Just tip him off that you can smell the smoke. And if dryer sheets really do minimize the smell, as so many people in here claim, you might try taping those over your own vents.

You’ll pass your test just fine as long as you’re not in their apartment puffing it. You might confront them about the smell, though, making it clear you’re not going to call the cops or anything, just please step outside or something, OK, cause the smell goes through my entire apartment and it’s really hard to get it out, people get the wrong idea, etc. Be polite and really non-threatening about it. Basically tell them that you don’t care what they do with their lungs but the smell is causing you problems.

Also, tell them to look into vaporizers, which will get them higher, eliminate the smell and be much better for their lungs.

I would avoid using any sort of cop imagery because you’ll just turn into the asshole roommate and they may just want to piss you off more. But if nothing works and you feel you don’t have another option, tell them first; I’m sure they’ll get it.

I wouldn’t do the indirect “funny smell, what should I do?” method. That would probably just freak them out, and they’ll figure out new and creative ways to smoke in the bathroom or something.

FWIW, studies have shown (can’t be arsed to find the cite right now, but I can try if needed) that the THC cancels out any carcinogenic aspects of the smoke, and prevents lung disease and emphysema. Since you’re not getting high, that doesn’t help you, but you’re not going to have any health problems from the smell coming through your vents and I don’t think your birds will either.

BTW, the dryer sheets do work. When I lived in a dorm we would take an empty TP roll and stuff it with Bounce sheets, then tape another Bounce sheet around the business end and blow the smoke out through that. We had hardass RAs knocking on our doors while we were smoking who didn’t notice the smell.

None of this “funny smell” thing. Let them know you smell pot smoke. This brings the legality of it to mind, without you having to say it.

If it were me, I’d say something like “Somebody in this building is smokin’ some serious pot. The smell is leaking into my place, and my (parents, boss, priest, probation officer) come(s) over often, and it wouldn’t look good. I’d really hate to involve anyone else. It would be so much better if we could handle this ourselves. I’ll talk to the other neighbor and let you know if anything happens.”

OTOH, I’ve often said “Smells good in here!” when I smelled pot smoke either in the cooler at work, or any other innapropriate place. I was often met with looks of horror and “You can smell that?!?”

Your neighbors will play ball. If not, they know you have them by the short and curlies.

Also, you’re quite attractive, so you might even be able to get them to shave their eyebrows if you asked nicely. Good luck either way.

I don’t know why you people are encouraging her to go over and take them to task. She wouldn’t do it if it was a food odor…she shouldn’t do it regarding pot or cigarettes. We’ve established the fact that the carcinogenic factor is next to nothing, and probably less than what’s coming in through an open window. Her room isn’t filling with clouds of smoke…it’s an odor. She’s persuing it because she knows she can threaten them with legal action. And contrary to what she said earlier, that IS a power trip.

You live in an apartment and that means you have to put up with stuff you don’t necessarily like. Save up for a house. Then you can do whatever you want.

Power Trip: An action undertaken chiefly for the gratification associated with the exercise of power over another or others

If I was truly on a power trip, I would have said something the *first * time I smelled it. If I was on a power trip, I would tell them, ‘If you don’t stop smoking your illegal substance, I will call the cops! I demand you stop right now…no alternatives!’ Not go to a message board asking for opinions on how to handle this in the best method possible. My action is being undertaken chiefly for a mutually benefitting solution to a situation that I can no longer ignore. You may disagree, but I’m in a better position to ascertain my motives than you are.

Don’t worry. I think Kalhoun was probably alone in coming to that rather bizarre conclusion.

Then tell me…what exactly did you mean by this:

To me, that reads that you are going to stop them from bothering you with an odor. You are exercising power over this particular odor and you know that it’s the only odor you COULD exercise power over. If you didn’t like shrimp, and they cooked shrimp every night, the police cannot stop them from doing that. However, because this happens to be an illegal substance, you’re going to get your way.

I really don’t understand this, “C’est la Vie! You are the one living in an apartment, sucka!” mentality. Yes, OP lives in an apartment and should surely expect to deal with regular irritations from the neighbors. Regular irritations: stinky food, thumping noises, and maybe shrieking children. Regular irritations do not include your neighbors partaking in recreational and ILLEGAL drugs. There is absolutely no reason that the OP’s space, which is paid for in full, should be violated by the neighbors doing some illegal activity. The OP has every right to not want that smell in their house.

That said, the OP clearly has good intentions. I would just stop them and chat it up a bit, then bring up the issue. I’m sure the neighbors will be more than accomodating. If they aren’t, go over their head-- when you are doing something illegal you don’t get the luxury of inconveniencing others.

When you put it that way, you’re right! LunaV is demanding that her apartment not smell like an illegal substance! The crazed, power-mad monster! Dear God, is nothing sacred? She’s like a deranged supervillain. “No, Mr. Bond, I want you to quit getting high!”

Calm down, Kalhoun. Take some deep breaths. She doesn’t want her apartment smelling like weed. Even if the risks to her health and of failing a drug test are miniscule, it’s certainly within her right not to want her apartment to smell like illegal drugs, particularly when visitors are over.

But if she *could * go over their heads because of shrimp, would she? Of course not. She’s doing this because she can.

I brought it up because she said, “I wouldn’t give it a second thought,” and “It’s not overpowering, but you can definitely tell what it is” and " I don’t really care if they want to smoke". If it’s not overpowering, why make a big deal about it? She says she doesn’t care, but she’s willing to narc 'em out over a mild odor? What does that say to you?

If my neighbors cooked the most foul smelling of foods everyday, several times a day and that smell was permeating my entire apartment (if I didn’t work to take precautions), I’d talk to my neighbors. Sure, I’m a bitch, but this is how I’d go about it:

If we’ve never talked, I’d bring over some cookies and introduce myself. Chit chat. Then at some point mention the smell. Odds are, they don’t even notice it themselves anymore or they don’t realize it’s leaking into my apartment. If they are assholes, refuse, and the smell gets worse- I’d consider going to the apartment manager.

And I’m sorry Kalhoun, I don’t want my apartment having any traces of weed smell in it. I coach debate and have kids over regularly, not to mention my family. Sorry, I don’t want those people even possibly thinking that the smell is from something I did. Further, I have every right to take that stance and to keep my space clear of such smells.

Sure, I’ll concede that there is a bit of difference between stinky shrimp and pot-- the difference being: pot is illegal.

I’m sure if she COULD stop a stinky shrimp smell, she would as well.

Her neighbors don’t have a right to stink up HER apartment with their illegal drugs.

In the real world, there are very good reasons someone might not like the smell of pot in their apartment - reasons that have nothing to do with being uptight. If the odor is frequent, it’s very possible it could permeate her possessions. I wouldn’t want to get stopped by drug-sniffing dogs because my pants smelled like my neighbor’s hobby. She might have guests over who would not share her enlightened attitude towards weed - and who might assume it’s hers. There’s a million reasons why someone wouldn’t want their apartment to reek like an illegal substance. There’s simply nothing even remotely unreasonable about LunaV’s complaint.

A friend of mine brought up a very valid point that only Luna can really speak to: if the complex has a policy in the lease about no smoking in the apartments, this could actually cost Luna money. Of couse, that’s a stretch, but it’s possible.

Actually, in theory it would be possible to take action against other offensive smells, noises, or other disturbances coming from a neighboring apartment (or landowner for that matter). She could review her lease to see if there’s a clause about disturbing the neighbors that may apply, and if so, complain to management. She could also consider filing a nuisance action in the appropriate court. Such has been used against a variety of complaints in the past, including loud music, pollution, and offensive odor.

Marijuana possession happens to be a violation of criminal law, so she has a little more leverage–though in practice, I’m not sure the police would get all hot and bothered about the situation if she did report it…they may decide it’s not worth seeking a search warrant, and they can’t kick the door down without one.

“Rahhh! Polly wants a craker, some ding dongs and a bowl of froot loops”

“Rahhh! Fuck that. Polly wants a bong hit!” :smiley:

Look…I’m well aware of her “rights”. I think she’s out of line because she’s already stated that it’s not a big deal. She also said it has nothing to do with “smoking pot” per se, but I believe it has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that they’re smoking pot. If it’s not a big deal, don’t turn it into one.

And yeah…in the real world, blah, blah, blah… All the ridiculous “what if” hypotheticals you threw out are laughable…pot-sniffing dogs, etc. We’re not talking about hypotheticals here. We’re talking about her situation. She’s Gladys Kravitz in the extreme. And disingenuous about it, as well.

Bottom line, you’ve got nothing to support your guesses about LunaV’s character but your own mind-reading abilities, and I don’t have any particular confidence in them. Meanwhile, LunaV has every right not to have her apartment smell like pot; furthermore, when you treat her valid concern about her guests smelling it as a “ridiculous”, “laughable” “hypothetical”, you completely ruin any bit of credibility you might have had. She has legitimate concerns, and she doesn’t like her apartment permeated with the smell of pot - which is a strong smell, and while I personally find it pleasant, a lot of people don’t. Given that legally, she probably ought to be turning in her neighbors immediately, you certainly have no room to complain about her asking how best to politely broach the subject with her neighbors of asking them to make sure the smell doesn’t enter her apartment. There is simply nothing in LunaV’s behavior that is remotely reproachable, and your complaints are based on nothing but your own assertions and your confidence in your apparently magical ability to read LunaV’s mind.

Obviously you’re on some crusade for pot smokers’ rights. Well, aren’t you special. Probably the majority of people on this forum think that recreational marijuana use ought to be decriminalized. The difference is that the rest of us are able to approach the issue rationally. And yes, someone who is breaking the law has an extra responsibility to be courteous to their neighbors - not only for their own self-interest but in the interest of avoiding putting their neighbor in an uncomfortable situation like the one LunaV is in.

I revise my earlier statement that I didn’t know of a single pot smoker who didn’t go out of their way to be considerate to those around them. I now suspect you fall into that rather unpleasant category. Congratulations.