How long before many Americans feel this way about Iraq?
Why are you asking how long? I believe that there are some that feel that way now.
and their numbers are growing too…fast
I can relate to the sentiment.
In a thread that I can’t find (would someone please fix the bloody search engines??) back when Saddam Hussein was captured, I muttered that I wasn’t feeling much like celebrating with the others; I wrote that my gut impression that the world was more dangerous for the increased likelihood of Bush’s reelection as a consequence of being able to brag about capturing Hussein than it had been as a consequence of Hussein being alive and at large.
It wasn’t a well-received sentiment at the time but I’ve seen a lot of opinion drift that way since then.
I’m not quite at the point of “rooting against us”. Those are real flesh and blood 20 year olds out there in our uniforms and I’m not happy to think of them getting shot (even while it is also true that I’m not happy to think of the Iraqis getting shot either). But I’d be quite happy to see the Iraq situation devolve into an ever more turgid swamp of a PR disaster. To whatever extent our foreign policy there can fail, and fail spectacularly, with a minimum of actual casualties, I hope it does so.
::glances up at forum title, notices this is in MPSIMS::