It’s been a while since I have posted here, but a recent quibble came up on social media, and I would like to vent here and hopefully get some support.
So basically I tend to have issues with over-obsession in terms of thoughts, and it can be tricky to let them come into my mind leave them alone and then let them leave. Here’s what happened:
An old friend of mine from high school in the Dominican Republic has for the past three days made rather mean remarks on my Facebook page. First having posted my admission to a philosophy PhD program, he mocked the whole subject as being stupid.
Then he made a spelling correction on a post of some lyrics I liked, which normally does not bother me, actually I like people to correct my grammar if I make a mistake, but I was getting some negative vibes from him.
As far as I can remember I have only ever been extremely nice to him, and our recent face to face encounters have been friendly enough. I remember he used to be a Bush loving conservative who would get angry the few times I claimed I was an Atheist, and would yell at me at the issue.
We then lost touch, or more that he lost touch with me, but my friends told me he had gone to some group for anger management and apparently became a different person. I can’t verify that.
Anyway, today I saw him online and I was feeling weird, and all of a sudden he wrote to me “Bro, I wish you good luck in hell. No joke.” At first instance, I did not get this comment, but then I realized he was seriously serious. I responded by saying something along the lines of Jesus would be proud of the way you treat other people and making fun of the very foundations for your belief (philosophy) is certainly not wise at all. I finished by saying that if Hell existed, any person worth any of my time would be in such a place.
I know that such a person is certifiably crazy, but it scared me for a bit, especially given that it came out of the blue. It may have to do with a post comparing Kim Davis and Chelsea Manning that stated that Chelsea Manning was being punished far more harshly than Kim Davis, but this is pure speculation, and anyway, I wish not to speak politics here.
After 5 minutes I proceeded to delete and block him, and although I’m not in the Dominican Republic at the moment, I hope not to bump into him. It was just bizarre given our history, and again, scary that people would say and believe such things.
That’s all, just wanted to share this with no further expectations.