An Out-of-Context Poem by Andygirl

In This thread, chronolicht presents a “poem” composed of things that President Bush has said, all taken out of context.

Three cheers for Andygirl, who then posts a poem of things chronolicht has said, all taken out of context. Not that she’s defending President Bush, mind you, but that she’s pointing out how to make someone look silly by quoting them out of context.

Inspired, I have composed a poem of things Andygirl has said, all taken out-of-context.

DISCLAIMER: This is not a personal insult against Andygirl. In fact, it’s praise. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Chicken and Dumplings, by Andygirl

High school students can and do have personal property.
Descend upon them, my fabulous minions.

I am out of Altoids® again.
<passes out little cinnamon candy hearts>

I call quietgirl “girlie.”
Some of it is well-deserved.

Chicken and dumplings.
Muppet! Muppet! Muppet!

As much as TV skewers all things real,
I am not suffering illusions.

Yeesh, you nutty breeders.
Fuck that.
Muppet! Muppet! Muppet!

Whaddya think?


I’d be in tears if I wasn’t a robot…

Quick-n-Easy by rastahomie

that incident?
Nonsense, I say.
I’m married.

I’m a little fast and loose
Trust me.

Anyway, I’m pretty satisfied.

Rasta, I think I adore you. :smiley:
