Well as some of you may recall from this thread I got laid off a little over a month ago.
I got the ax because of a large stockholders fight at my publishing house and my publisher and my CEO (two separate people) saw a way to appease the stockholders by choosing a prominent scapegoat…
Guess who that was?
I just found out today that both my Publisher and my CEO just tendered their resignations one step ahead of the sheriff!
Not that I’m giggling or anything. Nope, not me.
And for those keeping score at home…
Believe it or not, the infamous ‘BR’ is in charge of the search for a new CEO. :smack:
I’m a little amused and a little pissed off.
A) Firing me didn’t even do them the good they thought…so I’m out of work to no (even bad) purpose.
B) Hee Hee Hee
Sorry about that.
Just thought I’d update everyone. Return to your lives.