Anagram Generator

I love my picture. Thanks!

A clinton woman seeks white house
Now unethical weakness smoothie.

Haha, you’ve still got those up! Awesome! Sure, I could whip up a few. May not be as plentiful as previous times, as my spare time has dwindled. But I can do some! Thanks for the offer to host again!

<<stupid doublepost>>

That one’s good, but Ann Coulter comes out funny AND accurate! How ironic.

This post no longer relevant and wasn’t even funny when it was. Please go read an old Bloom County instead.

I like what you get when you put in “Harem Guards.”

Not quite as ironic as what you get from “Mitt Romney.”

First & last = A lecherous bible

Usually people have to buy me dinner before they’re allowed to call me names like that. Hmph.

Ha! Check out ‘Tori Amos.’

Real name (f,m,l) = Jerk clash an inaction

Real name (f,l) = a nicer slick

Flander = lend far

Irritable Bowel Syndrome
O My! Terrible drains below!

Hepatitis C
Is pathetic

Diseases are interesting.

Also, “Virginia is for Lovers” becomes “Sir, I favor virgins. Ole!”

How true.

Thanks lobstermobster and** Hal Briston.**

From Invasive Apple. :slight_smile:

Peter Morris =

  1. Premier Sort
  2. Mister Roper

or, according to technical support

  1. I’m error pest

George Bush = O, he buggers!
George W. Bush = He grew bogus.

Jon Stewart = Jest now rat :eek:

Working on a few tonight…I should be able to send them off to Hal in a while.

justin is the coolest guy in the whole wide world =
The genuine, sluttish jocosity. Oh Wow! Well dried.

“Straight Dope moderator” comes back as “Arm-pits threat do-gooder.”